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Labour Market
Nete Nielsen
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Absence from work

Absence has both personal and economic consequences that have an impact on both employees, employers and the community. The statistics are tools used in estimating and comparing the level of absence within different groups of employees, and can be a foundation on which economic and political decisions are made. The statistics are of interest for the central government, municipalities and regions, private business enterprises, non-governmental organizations, researchers and news media.

User Needs

Absence has both personal and economic consequences that have an impact on both employees, employers and the community. The statistics are of interest for the central government, municipalities and regions, private business enterprises, non-governmental organizations, researchers and news media. The statistics are tools used in estimating and comparing the level of absence within different groups of employees, and can be a foundation on which economic and political decisions are made. The statistics of absence can for instance be used for comparing absence within sectors, industries, occupation etc., for monitoring the development of absence and for benchmarking an enterprise in relation to others in the same industry.

User Satisfaction

No survey on user satisfaction is conducted.

Data completeness rate

Agriculture, forestry and fishing is not included in the statistics of absence for the private sector. Some information are not published due to confidentiality or quality issues.

The statistics is not covered by EU regulations.