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Our projects

Statistics Denmark implements projects in other countries with the purpose to build up these countries’ capacity to produce reliable, comparable, timely and available statistics. Below is a list of some of those countries we currently support as well as some of those countries we supported in the past.

Ghana and Morocco

January 2024 – December 2026

Statistics Denmark and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on one side and the national statistical institutions in Ghana and Morocco on the other side have agreed to implement Phase II of the Strategic Sector Cooperation projects in the area of statistics. The aim of the second phase is that partner countries are strengthened and in a better position to consistently provide a reliable and credible evidence-base to sensitise decision-makers, implementers and key actors responsible for advancing a just green transition, as well as for the general public at large. 

Vietnam will be the third country entering Phase II in January 2025. The plan is to include a fourth country in Phase II - the selection process is ongoing.

Read more about our project in Ghana

Read more about our project in Morocco

Bosnia and Herzegovina

January 2024 - January 2026

Statistics Denmark is implementing an EU-financed Twinning project in Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the national statistical institutions of Finland, Slovenia and Italy. The project runs from January 2024 to January 2026. This project is the fifth in a row of collaboration projects financed by the EU, with Statistics Denmark as the lead agency.

The overall objective of the project is to strengthening the national statistical system (NSS) inside Bosnia-Herzegovina facilitating its approximation to the Union acquis in the area of statistics. 

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Jordan 2022-2024

September 2022-September 2024

Statistics Denmark implements an EU-financed Twinning project in Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Our partner is Department of Statistics of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (DoS).

The implementation is done in close cooperation with the Federal Statistical Office in Germany, The Italian National Institute of Statistics and Statistics Lithuania as Junior Partners, with support from Statistics Finland. The project will run from September 2022 to September 2024.

The overall objective of the Twinning Proposal is to strengthen the capacity of Jordan’s Department of Statistics in terms of compilation, analysis and reporting of statistical data in line with International and European best practices.

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Pan-African Statistics - PAS II

February 2022-2025

The Pan-African Statistics project is part of an EU funded programme counting two projects (SOCSTAF and ECOBUSAF) headed by Statistics Denmark and Statistics France respectively. The Danish-headed project focuses on support to producing official statistics within the social domains of education, health, and labour and counts consortium partners from the NSIs of France, Finland, Spain and Poland. Denmark is consortium partner in the French-headed project focusing on support to a Statistical Business Register and national accounts.

The aim of the Danish-led part of the project is to support African integration through strengthening the African Statistical System and ensure the use of quality statistical data in the decision-making process and policy monitoring, in order to facilitate monitoring of societal progress in Africa, with a special focus on the social domain.

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Ghana, Morocco and Vietnam

February 2019 – 2024

Statistics Denmark and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on one side and the national statistical institutions in Ghana, Morocco and Vietnam on the other side have agreed to start Strategic Sector Cooperation projects with the aim to strengthen the quality of official statistics in the three countries.

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Recently concluded projects

Georgia 2019-2021

April 2019 – July 2021

Statistics Denmark is implementing an EU-financed Twinning project with Geostat, the national statistical institution in Georgia. The project focuses on national accounts, extranal sector statistics, business statistics and social statistics. The project is implemented in cooperation with the national statistical institutions of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Finland and Lithuania.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina 

January 2018 – April 2020

Statistics Denmark has implemented an EU-financed Twinning project with the three statistical institutions and the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project focused on national accounts, statistical business register, structural business statistics, producer prices in service industries and construction, tourism statistical, balance of payment and international investment position statistics. The project was implemented in cooperation with the national statistical institutions of Croatia, Finland and France.

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2002 - 2015

Statistics Denmark has together with Statistics Norway and Statistics Sweden in a consortium called Scanstat provided assistance to the national statistics institution in Mozambique, INE during three five-years planning periods (2003-2007, 2008-2012, 2013-2017). Scanstat had assigned two long term advisers until the end of 2015. The project covered a range of different statistical subjects as well as management support. The financial support was pooled in a basket where a range of donors were involved.

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Klaus Munch Haagensen
Phone: +45 39 17 31 27

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