Statistical processing
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Food IndustriesCharlotte Spliid Hansen
+45 29 41 97 76
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The authorized accountants report yearly the account for their fishery client. The collected accounts are thoroughly tested. When all accounts has been approved for statistical use, the sample of approved accounts are used together with register data for the entire population to simulate individual accounts for all units not in the sample. The complete dataset with individual balanced accounts for all units in the population is merged with register data on vessel characteristics, gear use etc. in order to calculate parameters for statistical groups (vessel segments).
Source data
The economic data is collected using a harmonized electronic accounting form to be completed by the fisherman's accountant. The administrative registers in The Danish Fisheries Agency constitutes the basis for the construction of accounting units, arranging and stratification of the population, selection of the sample, and raising from sample to population.
Statistics Denmark receives data on production, production technicalities and ownership for each version of a registered fishing vessel, when landings for the year has been fully registered. These data is used for construction of the accounting units and if needed separating into vessel units.
A complementary source is logbook data, which is prepared and quality controlled by the DTU-Aqua. The logbook data is used for calculating effort and labour input.
From 2012 data on transaction of FKA (vessel quota shares) and IOK (individually transferable quotas) registered by The Danish Fisheries Agency has also been used for calculating the capital value of fishing rights in the individual accounts.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
The fishery accounts are collected on a harmonized digital accounting form completed by the fisherman's accountant. Participation in the statistic is voluntary, in the sense that the fisherman beforehand has agreed to allow his accountant to report the economic data. Each year the goal is to obtain accounts for the 100 biggest fishing firms. Registerdata is collected from The Danish Fisheries Agency and DTU-Aqua.
Data validation
The fishery accounts are filled in a harmonized accounting form on a Excel file. The spread sheets are functionally connected and include both dynamic test on data entry and complementary test routines for control of relations between variables. Data is validated, and tested in the spread sheets by the accountant before reporting. After reporting the data is stored in a SQL-database and checked for consistency with the harmonized accounting form. Misplaced data is corrected, and in case of errors, or missing data the reporting accountant is asked for necessary corrections. In addition the data is compared with register data on production and vessel characteristics. In case of mismatch the reporting accountant is contacted for clarification, and corrections will be made to secure coherence between the accounting unit and the unit in the population.
Data compilation
Reported accounts are stored, validated and balanced in a MS-SQL database. Individual accounts are then simulated for all units that are not included in the sample. That is done using a method based on the SAS-program Proc MassImputation from the BANFF package. The program finds the nearest donor using a standardized relative measurement based on selected criteria parameters. That is repeated three times with selection of criteria parameters (for instance different species composition). The resulting three donors are used in calculating an average account. Finally the economic variables in the average account are scaled by a factor to ensure that the revenue in the resulting balanced account match registered total revenue (value of catch) for the simulated unit.
In the reported accounts quantity and value of fish landed are replaced with register data from The Danish Fisheries Agency. Values of fishing rights in the finalized balanced accounts are replaced by computed values based on registered quota shares and calculated shadow prices. The difference between reported and computed capital values are balanced out against adjustment in Net capital (Own equity) and deferred tax. For corporate ownership the distribution between Net capital and deferred tax is 75/25, whereas for personally owned enterprises a 50/50 distribution is used.