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Statistical presentation

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Food Industries
Henrik Bolding Pedersen
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Accounts Statistics by Industry

The purpose of the statistics is to analyze the activity level and the structure of the Danish primary industries yearly. The basis of the statistics is detailed accounts items e.g. turnovers, costs, profits, assets, debts and investments. This statistics is a further processing of the data collected to the accounts statistics on agriculture, fishery and aquaculture.

Data description

The aim of the accounts statistics is to be representative of all primary industries. However forestry, hunting and beekeeping are not included in the statistics. The primary statistical data are available at the Statbank Denmark website, where a detailed description of the selection of primary data, compilation methods and definitions is given. In relation to these statistics, the population is further delimited to include only enterprises with more than ½ man-years. This delimitation is made in order to enable comparability with the accounts statistics on non-primary industries.

The statistics analyzes the profit and loss accounts, balance and investments at the sector level of the primary industries.

The primary statistical data contain detailed accounts items, including items for turnover, purchases, costs, operating result of the year, assets, liabilities and investments.

Classification system

The industry coding follows the Danish activity classifications, Dansk Branchekode 2007 (DB07) from 2008, which is the national version of NACE rev. 2. A complete overview can be found at the DB 2007 site.

Sector coverage

The statistics covers enterprises in agriculture, fishery and aquaculture with more than a half man- year work load.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Accounting Items: These items are derived from the accounts of the enterprises and concern turnovers, various types of cost, cost of goods consumed, assets liabilities and investments.

Average: The average is estimated for each industry (or size group, etc.) on the basis of the summed up figures for the relevant accounting items. Consequently, the figures of large enterprises have greater weight than the figures of small enterprises.

Costs of Goods Consumed: This is consumption which is part of turnover i.e. purchases of raw materials, finished goods and energy plus/less changes in stocks.

Current Assets: Stocks, liquid funds, debt receivable and easily realizable securities, which are not intended for permanent ownership.

Employees: Employees employed with the enterprise in terms of full-time equivalent persons (man-years).

Enterprise: This usually corresponds to the legal unit e.g. limited liability companies, sole traders, partnerships etc. In a few cases, several legal units are run as one entity. The units are merged into one enterprise.

Equity: Equity is measured in per cent of total liabilities (at the end of the year).

Equity Capital: The owners part of the capital of the enterprise. This is estimated as total assets less the sum of provisions for liabilities and debts.

Establishment: An enterprise or a part of an enterprise, that is situated in a single location and produces one - or mainly one - sort of goods and services.

Financial Expenses: Interests, capital losses on securities and foreign loans, commission and expenses for custody etc.

Financial Receipts: Receipts from interests, commission, capital gains from securities and foreign loans, dividend from shares and partnership shares, etc.

Fixed Assets: Part of the capital of the enterprise, which is meant to be kept, e.g. buildings, machinery, equipment, patents, licenses and long-term investments of a financial character e.g. shares and bonds.

Form of Ownership: Enterprises may be distinguished according to legal type e.g. limited liability companies, sole traders and partnership etc.

Gross Profit Ratio: Gross profit in per cent of turnover. Gross profit is estimated as turnover less cost of goods consumed less subcontracts and other work done.

Investments: Increase and decrease of fixed assets, i.e. real property (land, buildings, etc.) and operating equipment (machinery, motor vehicles, equipment, etc.) and intangible assets (software, licenses, etc.). Increase is estimated at acquisition price before depreciations and other adjustments and include purchased as well as leased assets. Decrease is valued at selling price, or if this is not known then the written-down value.

Kind of Activity: This concept, which is sometimes termed branch or industry, refers to the 6-digit code number found in the Danish activity classification (DB07) from 2008. The agricultural enterprises is classified by a key from the calculated typology based on the land use and livestock.

Long-Term Debts: Debts payable later than 1 year, e.g. mortgage debts.

Median: The median is obtained by calculating the key figure in the question for each enterprise with the industry (or size group, etc.) and subsequently, the enterprises are sorted by their size in accordance with this key figure. The median is equal to the key figure for the enterprises, which is grouped exactly in the middle of the row that has been sorted. The figures of large enterprises have greater weight than the figures of small enterprises.

Net Profit Ratio: Result from ordinary operation (profit before financial and extraordinary items) measured in per cent of the sum of turnover and other operating income.

Number of Persons Employed: Information is available on the number of persons employed and hours of work in enterprises with personal liability as well as limited liability companies.

Other Operating Income: This is income which is not directly related to the primary or ordinary activity, including refunding of sickness benefits and public wage and salary subsidies.

Provisions for Liabilities and Charges: Obligations where the exact amount or due date are not known with certainty, e.g. deferred taxation and pension liabilities.

Return on Equity after Corporate Tax: Return after corporate tax measured in per cent of the average of equity during the year. On the basis of the available data material it is not possible to estimate precisely the average of equity, which implies that a rough estimate is made as follows: Equity at the end of the year less half of the consolidation item. The latter item shows the amount of the years result that has been transferred to (or from) equity.

Short-Term Debts: Debts payable within 1 year, e.g. trade creditors and payable VAT.

Size Groups: The enterprises can e.g. be divided into terms of size on the basis of the number of employees converted into full-time equivalent persons (man-years).

Turnover: This covers Income from sales of products and services resulting from the primary operation of the enterprise. Turnover is estimated after the deduction of discounts and exclude duties, etc. which are directly linked to sales. The item also includes work performed by the enterprise at the expense of the enterprise and entered under assets, e.g. construction of own machinery.

Value Added: Turnover plus operating income minus consumption of goods and services.

Value Added (per cent): Value added in per cent of turnover and other operating income.

Statistical unit

The units in the accounts statistics for the primary industries are the enterprises in the different branches.

Statistical population

The population in the accounts statistics on primary industries is agricultural, fishery and aquaculture enterprises which has a workload of more than half a man-year. The delimitation of the workload is due to comparability to the accounts statistics on private non-agricultural industries.

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics covers the period from 2008 and forward.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

The variables are measured in four different units; numbers, 1,000 DKK, million DKK and pct.

Reference period

The accounts statistics are related to calendar-based annual accounts (January 1th - December 31th),

Frequency of dissemination

The statistics are published once every year.

Legal acts and other agreements

The EU regulation of the accounts statistics in the primary industries is:

  • Agriculture: Council regulations (EC) 1217/2009/EEC as amended contains the obligations of Denmark in relation to EUs Farm Accountancy Data Network. Among the most important regulations are Regulation (EC) 220/2015 (accounts questionaire), Regulation (EC) 1198/2014 (selection of holdings) and Regulation (EC) 730/2013 (deadlines, payment, etc.). The regulations can be viewed in EUs database on legislation.
  • Fishery and Aquaculture: Council regulation (EC) 1004/2017 determines the obligations of Denmark for collecting, manage and use of data in relation to DG Mare. Another important regulations are Regulation (EC) 1251/2016 and (EC) 665/2008 which concerns rules of implementation.

Cost and burden

No response burden is estimated as participation in the survey is voluntary.


Additional information can be obtained from Statistics Denmark.