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Activities of foundations

There are no international standards on the topic, and there are no other official statistic.

Comparability - geographical

The statistic is not part of an European survey, and there are limited possibilities for comparison to other countries.

Comparability over time

The statistics have been compiled annually from 2016. The questionnaire for the foundations has been revised for the survey for 2019. The main areas have been changed within the purposes social, nature and environment, health and education. Grants summed up in main areas within these purposes are therefore only comparable from 2016 to 2018. Results for distributions on purposes, instruments and recipients are comparable over the entire period 2016-2021. The main area within the purpose scientific has been removed from the survey in 2022, which means that care must be taken when comparing over time, especially other purposes.

Coherence - cross domain

There is no other official statistics on this topic.

Coherence - internal

The internal coherence is secured by controls embedded in the online questionnaire.