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Statistical presentation

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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Susanne Mainz Sørensen
+45 20 34 51 79

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Adult education and continuing training

The statistics gives information on number of persons participating in courses and adult education i.e. formal external courses which are financed, planned and controlled by a public provider. If an education consists of several modules as in the case of Higher Preparatory Examination (HF) or a diploma, each module is counted. The information is collected and kept in the Course Participation Register.

If the course participant has completed a number of courses that add up to a whole education e.g. the Higher Preparatory Examination (HF), an academy exam or a diploma the information on the attained qualifications is collected and kept in the Quality Register.

Data description

The statistics describe the Danish population's participation in courses and adult education i.e. formal courses which are financed, planned and controlled by a public provider. If an education consists of several modules, as in the case with the Higher Preparatory Exam (HF) and a diploma each module is noted in the register. The information is notified when the module is completed. If the course participant has participated in more than one course he or she will be registered several times as well.

In most cases a course is offered exclusively as adult or continuous education. This is the case for the adult vocational training programme for skilled and un-skilled workers (in Danish AMU) or the modules for a diploma. However it is also possible to participate in a course which is part of an ordinary education. This is possible under the law on open education and it usually implies that the course participant pays a fee for participation in the course, in contrast to those who takes the course as an ordinary education. Usually the course participant only wants some specific qualifications but in some cases the person completes a whole education e.g. a bachelor.

If someone has completed an education after completed a number of courses that add up to this education e.g. a diploma, the information will be registered once in the qualification register i.e. in the year the education was completed.

Data is gathered separately in the individual areas:

  1. General and preparatory single courses (typically at adult education centres ( in Danish VUC))
  2. Folk high schools (including cooking and textile schools)
  3. Danish language courses for foreigners
  4. Courses of the adult vocational programs (in Danish AMU)
  5. Open education at vocational colleges
  6. Open education at university colleges
  7. Open education at Academies of professional higher education
  8. Open education at universities

Classification system

For publication the Educations are classified according to DISCED-15, which is Statistics Denmark's version of the International Standard Classification of Education. For further information, see Courses and adult education.

Sector coverage

Educational area.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Whole educations: A whole education is reported when every module as a part of an education is completed and all exams are passed in connection with an official recognized education in accordance with the law of open education.

Course participant: Equivalent to one course participation. If an education consists of several courses (modules), e.g. the Higher Preparatory Examination (HF) or a diploma each module is counted, and if the course participant has participated in several courses in a period of one year, the person is counted several times.

Full time equivalent student: The numbers of full-time equivalent students show the participation in courses converted into full-time student year. The calculation is conducted by adding up the share which each course participant represents of a full-time study. The type of calculation differs from one area to another, since "full-time" is defined differently among the areas.

Preparatory adult courses (in Danish, FVU), general adult courses (in Danish, AVU) and single courses through the Higher Preparatory Examination (in Danish, HF) - A full-time student year: 812,5 hours

Danish Language courses for foreigners - A full-time student year: 756 hours

Folk high schools (including cooking and textile schools) - A full-time student year: 40 weeks

Adult vocational training for skilled and unskilled workers (in Danish, AMU) -A full-time student year: 200 days

Open vocational oriented adult education, business schools and business academies - A full-time student year: 200 days

Open education at University colleges and Universities - A full-time student year: 60 ECTS-points

Statistical unit


Statistical population

Participation in courses/single subject courses at adult education and continuing training, i.e. formal external courses/programmes which are financed, planned and controlled by a public provider.

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics is published yearly in Statbank Denmark. First year published is 1995/1996.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Course participants, full-time equivalents and completed full programs (in the Quality register)

Reference period

The school year covers the period 1 July to 30 June. Calendar year covers the period 1 January to 31 December.

Frequency of dissemination

The statistics is published yearly.

Legal acts and other agreements

The data collection is warranted according to Act on Statistics Denmark, section 8, subsection 3.

Cost and burden

The reporting burden is limited as the information comes from the institutions' administrative registers.


For further information, see courses and adult education