Agricultural investments
Contact info
Food IndustriesHenrik Bolding Pedersen
+45 20 57 88 87
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The statistics concern agricultural investments and depreciations in farm buildings, land improvements and machinery and equipment. The statistics show e.g. if depreciations exceed investments whereby the capital of the agricultural sector is subject to loss and tear. The statistics have been compiled since 1947 and in its presents it is comparable from 2005 onwards.
Statistical presentation
The statistics are a yearly calculation of the investments and depreciations of the the agricultural sector by type of investment and both at current and constant prices.
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Statistical processing
The statistics are based on information from Accounts Statistics for Agriculture. The Accounts Statistics for Agriculture include only farms of at least 25.000 euro in standard output. To cover also small farms below this threshold the results for investments are increased by 1,39 per cent for buildings and also 1,39 per cent for machinery and inventory. This regulation of the investments also takes into account that small farms invests less than larger farms. Calculation at constant prices is made by means of price indexes for agricultural investment goods.
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The statistics are of interest for e.g. Danish authorities, EU and organizations. Users are satisfied.
Accuracy and reliability
The statistics are based on a sample and consequently subject to statistical uncertainty. The sample is stratified with the aim of being representative for all farms. The uncertainty differs for each individual item, and the largest degree of uncertainty is seen for items such as investments, which may vary considerably. From the population of small farms, where the variation is small, a relatively small sample is selected, while a larger sample is used for bigger farms. Loss of sample farms are countered by higher selection rates in strata where losses do occur (based on experience).
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Timeliness and punctuality
These statistics are published in October of the following calendar year after the reference year. Publications are released on time, as stated in the release calendar.
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These statistics are comparable from 2005 onwards whereas there is a break in the comparability between 2004 and 2005. Apart from an increment for small farms the statistics are comparable with the accounts statistics for agriculture.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published in the StatBank under Agricultural economics.