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Research, Technology and Culture, Occupation statistics
Cecilie Bryld Fjællegaard

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Artists in Denmark

The statistics have been compiled since 2023 with data from 2022, and this is the first release of the statistics. The statistics is specifically prepared by Statistics Denmark and, therefore, cannot be directly compared to statistics in other countries.

Comparability - geographical

The statistics is not subject to any EU regulations and cannot be compared to those of other countries.

Comparability over time

The time series, in its current form, includes the year 2022.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics is partially compiled based on statistics from Elevregister3, disbursements from the Ministry of Culture, the population register, the Income Register and personal income register.

Coherence - internal

Consistency in sources is ensured by continuously entering into data delivery agreements with the member organizations under the Council of Danish Artists and organizations responsible for royalty payments