Statistical processing
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Short Term StatisticsKarina Moric Ingemann
+45 24 78 42 12
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Data for the Vehicle Register is collected monthly from the Digital Motor Register (DMR). In addition, data from various registers in Statistics Denmark are collected. The central database tables from DMR are transformed for statistical use. Depending on the purpose, data from the other registers is connected using the owner or user IDs. The series with new registrations, accession of and leasing as well as used car sales of passenger cars are seasonally adjusted. The quality measures for the seasonally adjusted series indicate that there are clear seasonal patterns.
Source data
The Central Register of Motor Vehicles, CRM (up to and including 2007, hereafter SKAT (the overall tax authority)). From 2012 the Digital Motor Register, DMR. Statistics Denmark's registers.
Data concerning the vehicles: The main source of data in the register is DMR, from which data concerning both new and existing vehicles are supplied monthly. Elderly (former registered) vehicles are in the register as well.
The registration of data has been based on forms submitted to the offices of the Central Register of Motor Vehicles / tax centers, typically when the owner or the retail firm wants to perform a transaction (for example a new registration, a change in ownership or a technical alteration). From January 1, 2008 SKAT took over the police assignments regarding the register. The assignments are registration of vehicles and collecting duties. Approximately 60 centers for motor vehicles was shut down. See also Homepage for the Motor Vehicle Agency.
In June 2012 DMR launched an on-line system to registrations to be used by dealers and others on the car market.
The source of most of the technical data of the vehicles is the (standard) type approval, of which there are two main forms: one that is uniform for the EU (and for all similar vehicles) and one that is individual for a smaller group of vehicles or a single vehicle.
MOT-data on all vehicles that have passed a MOT-test are supplied monthly from Færdselsstyrelsen (Danish Road Traffic Authority). These data can be joined to the vehicles in the car-register, but they are not incorporated in the register.
DMR is delivered with a system-to-system solution, while there are direct access to the population statistical registers. Extract from the business register is delivered as a SAS-file.
Visual data is provided by the Færdselsstyrelsen.
Data regarding vehicle owners: The background data concerning vehicle owners are delivered from a range of registers in Statistics Denmark: The Register of Enterprises and Establishments, the Income Statistics Register, the Register of Buildings and Dwellings, the Employment Classification Module, the Education Classification Module, the Central Register of Information Forms of the Inland Revenue Department and the Population Statistics Register.
Frequency of data collection
- The Car Register is updated monthly.
- Data from The Register of Enterprises and Establishments are delivered quarterly.
- The Population Register is updated yearly.
- MOT-data is delivered monthly.
Data collection
- The Car Register is delivered via a system-to-system solution.
- Data from the Register of Enterprises and Establishments is delivered as dataset from the Enterprises and Establishments.
- Population registers is delivered as data sets from the register of population, as well as a direct link to personal statistical data.
- MOT is delivered as a data set from the Danish Transport Authority.
Data validation
No quality and error correction routines are carried out on the car register's data from DMR, as DMR as an online reporting system in the Tax Administration is already well equipped with built-in error checks.
A number of consistency and reconciliation routines have been established across the table products from the car register , which are included in the production of statistics. The purpose is partly reconciliation in relation to previously produced statements, partly guarding against consistency errors in published tables.
The respective manufacturers in Statistics Denmark have validated the other data regarding owners and users.
Data compilation
The monthly deliveries from the Digital Motor Register, DMR consist of approx. 400 data base tables, of which the central ones in the car register's production system are merged into data sets with respectively new registrations, change of ownership, change of user, re-registrations and stocks.
As a rule, no imputation, weighting, lapse correction or enumeration is carried out in the production process. However, missing prices are imputed according to the statement for new cars.
A seasonal adjustment is made to the series for newly registered cars in total, newly registered cars in households and newly registered cars in businesses. The series for accession of total, accession of households and accession of businesses are also seasonally adjusted.
The quality measures for the seasonally adjusted series indicate that there are clear seasonal patterns and that the series are suitable for correction. The trend values for the past six months may be subject to uncertainty, as the calculations are partly based on forecast figures for new registrations for the coming months.
No further seasonal correction is made to the other published statements.