Statistical presentation
Coverage of general practitioners is an annual measurement of the coverage of general practitioners stated in number of people per medical capacity. A medical capacity is an administrative unit which is used to regulate the supply of general medical services under the National Health Insurance. According to the agreement about general practice, a capacity must be able to handle approximately 1,600 registered group 1 insured persons. The statistics are grouped by municipality groups.
Data description
The statistics contain information on the coverage of general practitioners stated in number of people per medical capacity. Besides information on the coverage of general practitioners, the table also contains information on geography.
Classification system
The statistics use the municipality groups classification, which divides Denmark's municipalities into five groups based on the number of inhabitants in the largest city in the municipality and accessibility to jobs, respectively.
Sector coverage
The statistics cover the health sector.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Medical capacity: An administrative unit, which is used to regulate the supply of general medical services under the National Health Service. According to the agreement about general practice, a capacity must be able to handle approximately 1,600 registered group 1 insured persons. Practices with a minimum of 1,600 registered patients per medical capacity have the right to close the intake of new patients. Some practices have dispensation to close with fewer than 1,600 patients per medical capacity, and other practices have a wish for more than 1,600 patients per medical capacity. There can be several general practitioners to fill one medical capacity, and there can be several medical capacities per practice. A medical capacity can also cover different organisations, and the range of practice staff beyond the general practitioner(s), with whom the capacity is associated, can vary.
Statistical unit
The statistics are observed for municipalities.
Statistical population
The population includes all municipalities in Denmark, excluding Christiansø.
Reference area
Time coverage
These statistics cover the time period from 2015 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Number of people per medical capacity.
Reference period
The statistics refer to 1 January in a given calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Collection of the information takes place pursuant to the Act on Statistics Denmark, §6. There is no EU regulation for the statistics.
Cost and burden
These statistics are based on administrative data. There is thus no direct response burden in relation to the compilation of these statistics.
Further information can be obtained by contacting Statistics Denmark directly.