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Food IndustriesSimone Thun
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The Economic Accounts for Agriculture is comparable in its current form back to 1990. It can be compared to the Economic Accounts for Agriculture produced by Eurostat. There are some few differences between the Danish and European version. It is also in some way comparable to the economic accounts for agriculture which is calculated on farm level.
Comparability - geographical
The Danish Economic Accounts for Agriculture can be compared with the European Economic Account for Agriculture (EAA), where the internationally agreed methodology for the EAA is described in the Eurostat publication: Manual on the Economic Accounts for Agriculture and forestry EAA/EAF 07 (Rev. 2). There are some differences in how the Danish and the European Economic Accounts for Agriculture is calculated. The data sources are the same however the Danish Economic Accounts for Agriculture does not include contract work done by others outside the sector.
Comparability over time
Comparable statistics on Economic Accounts for Agriculture at annual level are available back to 1990. As a consequence of the implementation of the methodology in the National Accounts, ENS 1995, a compilation method for gross domestic product at factor cost in agriculture was implemented in 2000 in accordance with internationally agreed guidelines. In February 2019 it was decided that the Economic Accounts for Agriculture will follow the new European guidelines for the National Accounts (ESA2010). There will be no significant changes in the Economic Accounts for Agriculture when changing to ESA2010. In 2005, it was decided to include indirect bank charges as intermediate consumption. The statistics back to 1990 have been revised in accordance with the methodology, and are available from Eurostat StatBank place country-region Denmark. Christmas trees are only accounted for from 1995 and onwards. Except for indirect bank charges and secondary receipts, gross domestic product at factor cost has also been calculated the basis of this methodology for the calendar years 1973-89. However, the new calculations are subject to some statistical uncertainty. Comparable statistics compiled in line with the previously applied methodology (before the revision in 2000) are available for the period 1975-98 for calendar years and for the period 1975/76-1998/99, covering operation years.
Coherence - cross domain
Examples of other statistic in the area are the annual publications Agricultural Account Statistics, which are dealing with the economic results in agriculture at farm level. The Agricultural Account Statistics is as such forms the agricultural component of the national accounts, but is further specified.
Coherence - internal
Internal consistency in the Economic Accounts for Agriculture is secured by using the same input to the calculations of the statistics. If there are differences in the primary data sources, it is investigated if it has an influence on the Economic Accounts for Agriculture. It is sought that there are no changes in calculation methods for the Economic Accounts for Agriculture, so the internal consistency remains. If changes are made, they and the consequences will be described.
When there is a change in base year, there will also be a change in the composition of products in the aggregated groups e.g. pesticides and fertilizers. This is a natural consequence of the development in the real world and the price indices in the different base years will therefore never be exactly the same. When there are differences in the price indices in the different base years, it is our recommendation that the newest indices have the highest value. In 2024, the new base year 2020=100 is introduced, and simultaneously, the base year 2015=100 is discontinued.