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National Accounts, Climate and Environment
Leif Hoffmann
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Emission Accounts

The air emission accounts are annually accounts on the emission of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. The air emission accounts follow the same definitions and classification as National Accounts, which allows for analyses of the connection between the economy and air pollution. The accounts are published in a Danish press release and in StatBank under the subject Energy and air emissions.

Data description

Air emission accounts: The air emission accounts show emissions of green house gases as well as other polluting substances caused by the industries' or households' use of energy. In addition to that, the air emission accounts also accounts for emissions originating from activities not related to the use of energy, e.g. processes.

Emission accounts for the greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O are published 9 months after the reference year on the 21 industry aggregation level. The final year is compiled using the most recent data from the energy accounts, coefficients from the previous year and emissions from processes and agriculture are estimated using relevant indicators. In particular for agriculture emissions are adjusted for the change in the stock of cattle and swine. Emissions from processes of the Manufacture of concrete and bricks is adjusted with the production index for the most recent year.

The Greenhouse gas account is supplemented with emissions from production of electricity and district heat distributed by actual use.

Furthermore, the air emission accounts form the basis for the calculation of a set of indicators on greenhouse gas emissions by different municipality groups (LABY34).

Classification system

Statistics Denmark's industrial classification DB07, which is a Danish version of the EU NACE, rev. 2. and the UN's ISIC, rev. 4, contains a number of standard classifications: the 127, 36, 19, and 10 classifications.

The 117 industry classification in Air Emission Accounts, which is the same as in the national accounts, corresponds to the standard 127 standard classification. The 117 industry classification can be aggregated to other standard classifications as well. Air Emission Accounts are thus fully comparable and can be combined with other statistics operating with the DB07 standard classifications.

Finally, a number of key figures for greenhouse gas emissions (LABY34) are allocated to different types of municipalities.

Sector coverage

All industries according to Danish Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2007 (DB07).

All final consumption groups according to the National Accounts' classifications.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Air emission: ‘Air emission’ means the physical flow of gaseous or particulate materials from the national economy (production or consumption processes) to the atmosphere (as part of the environmental system).

Statistical unit

The statistical unit is the local kind-of-activity unit, enterprise.

Statistical population

All units engaged in economic activity on the Danish territory.

Reference area

Air emission account: Denmark.

Time coverage

The air emission accounts covers the years since 1990.

Base period

Not relevant for this statistics.

Unit of measure

Emissions to air are measured in tons for all substances.

Reference period

The air emission accounts: 01-01-2021 - 31-12-2023.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Legal authority can be found in § 8.1 in Law on Statistics in Denmark and in Regulation no. 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts.

Cost and burden

No direct response burden, since all information is based on existing statistics.


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