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Statistical presentation

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Labour Market
Pernille Stender
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Employment Statistics for Graduates within Arts and Culture

The statistics are an annual statement of key figures on unemployment rates for graduates, the employment rate, the number of employed and the average incomes, for persons who have completed artistic and cultural education. The statistics are grouped by educational institution, education, gender, income type, unemployment type, sector, and geographical by place of work.

Data description

These statistics show how graduates from artistic and cultural education institutions, subsequently fare in the labor market, through a set of different indicators and by graduation years. Graduates are followed for up to 10 years after they have completed their education. The statistics are an annual estimation of:

  • Unemployment rates for graduates (net and gross)
  • Activity rates in percent. (end November)
  • Number of employed persons (end November)
  • Number of employed graduates (end of November)
  • Average income in DKK.

Classification system

Unemployment rate (net and gross), occupational rate, number of employed and average income, grouped by gender, at individual educational institutions and after education, including:

  • Medium further education
  • Bachelor
  • Candidate
  • Ph.D., soloist

The number of employees is distributed on sector based on ESA2010.

  • Employee public sector (consisting of public services)
  • Employee private sector (consists of public companies and the private sector)
  • Self-employed or co-employed spouse

Geographical group workplace region by regions.

Sector coverage

The statistics covers all sectors.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Activity rate: The share of the population in the labour force measured as a percentage

Confidentiality threshold: Figures from Statistics Denmark are published in a form implying that individuals or businesses remain anonymous. Consequently, data are made anonymous to the extent considered necessary by Statistics Denmark. Consequently there has to be at least five persons in a cell. Otherwise information is erased from the cell.

Degree of unemployment: A degree of unemployment (during the year) of 1000 denotes 37 hours of unemployment per week over the entire year. Consequently, a graduate may have a degree of unemployment ranging between 0 and 1000. When the figure is summed up, the number of full-time unemployed is counted in terms of units. This figure is used in estimating the unemployment rate.

Employment: The calculation of employment is based on information from the register-based labour force statistics. The register-based labour force statistics is compiled in a way which assures that concepts and definitions are as close as possible to the ILO definition of employment. A person is calculated as employed if he has at least on hour paid work in the reference week and the end of November. An employed person can be classified as either self-employed, assisting spouse or employee. A person who is temporarily absent from employment due to leave (parental leave, maternity leave or sickness leave) is calculated as employed, because he still has an attachment to the labour market.

Graduate: The word "candidate" could also have been used as a synonym for "graduate". Due to the circumstance that not all graduates of the educational institutions under the Ministry of Culture attains a bachelor's or master's degree the concept "graduate" is used for all persons. Graduates living abroad are not included because Statistics Denmark does not have access to information about them.

Labour force: The sum of employment and unemployment.

Labour market status: Measures the attachment to the labour market at the end of November for employed persons. Employed persons can be divided into self-employed (including assisting spouses) and employees in the private and public sector.

Personal income: Comprises all types of income (except property income), i.e.: earned income, daily cash, benefits and the like (social assistance, leave benefits and other types of benefit), other transfer income (state education grants, housing benefits and child allowance) and other personal income (e.g. grants from the Danish Arts Foundation).

Primary income: Includes wage and fringe benefits for employees and profit for self-employed. Income from self-employment is calculated on the basis of the rules governing taxation for calculation of entrepreneurial income, etc.

Unemployed: The calculation of unemployment is based on information from the register-based unemployment statistics. The register-based unemployment statistics is compiled in a way which assures that concepts and definitions are as close as possible to the ILO definition of unemployment. According to the definition a person shall meet three conditions to be counted as unemployed. The conditions are: the person does not have a job, the person is available for work and the person is actively seeking work. Net unemployed consist of persons insured against unemployment and non-insured in match category 1 (=available for work). Gross unemployed consists of net unemployed plus persons in activation programmes who are, at the same time, considered to be available for work.

Unemployment rate: Summed up degree of unemployment (during the year) in relation to the number of graduates calculated as a percentage.

Statistical unit

The statistical unit is persons.

Statistical population

Graduates within arts and culture who live in Denmark and are not enrolled in further education. Graduates are followed up until 10 years after their graduation.

Reference area


Time coverage

These statistics cover the time period from 2010 and onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for this statistics.

Unit of measure

Unemployment rates and activity rates are measured in percentages. Income are measured in kroner. The other numbers are measured in persons.

Reference period

The population consists of persons who live in Denmark at the beginning of the year and who are not participating in education. This means, for example, that when unemployment rates are calculated for 2015, the population consists of graduates from artistic and cultural educations who are resident in Denmark and who are not in education, at the end of November 2015.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

There is no EU Regulation for these statistics.

Cost and burden

These statistics are based on administrative data. There is thus no direct response burden, in relation to the compilation of these statistics.

