Statistical processing
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Business DynamicsOle Olsen
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There is a comprehensive validation of data, to ensure that the consumption is recorded in the correct unit. Further comparison with latest year is part of the validation.
When the reported data have passed the quality checks, they are prepared for needed imputation. Imputation is only carried out for for non-responding units and missing information
Source data
The energy census for the manufacturing industry, is a primary source, which means that data is formed in this census.
Frequency of data collection
Information on the consumption and use of energy is collected every two years.
Data collection
The statistics is conducted as a web-based questionnaire. More information on: [Reporting](
Information on the data collection is available (in Danish) at Indberetning
Data validation
The two primary sources of inaccuracy in the statistics are:
Reports containing errors, in particular on the energy unit. These error re found be comparing with the costs.
Typing mistakes when data are entered. Such errors is mainly detected by comparing with data for previous years
At the time of typing, all data go through liability checks. These consist of comparisons of consumption and the related costs. By this many unit-errors are avoided.
After that follows a more detailed error-seeking process where data are checked thoroughly by using the general tools and methods in Statistics Denmark, in particular comparing with earlier data for the working place
or the few enterprises having quotas for CO2, The Energy Agency collects particular information which since 2018 are available in the data validation.
All discovered discrepancies are checked and corrected by contacting the involved companies.
Data compilation
When the reported data have passed the quality checks, they are prepared for needed imputation. Imputation is only carried out for for non-responding units, and uses a stratified approach.
The results are compiled by adding up by groups.
The response rate is high - nearly 99 percent.
The energy consumption are for all types of energy compiled in GJ (GigaJoule), using actual keys for compiling.
There are no further corrections