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Enterprise Groups in Denmark

The statistic is based on the Business Statistics Enterprise Group Register. Enterprise group relations are confirmed via the annual reports of the enterprises and by looking up in the Central Business Register.

Source data

The statistics is entirely based on registers. Sources for background information are a number of internal sources notably the Business Statistics Enterprise Group Register and the General Enterprise Statistics and external sources such as the annual company reports and commercial data sources.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

The statistic is collected by direct access to registers within Statistics Denmark.

Data validation

Several data validation procedures of the available register data are carried out, in order to secure a high data quality for the statistics.

Legal form, sector code and activity classification are checked to ensure that an enterprise can be a part of a possible enterprise group relation. Furthermore controlling influence in terms of majority ownership and/or voting majority in enterprise group relations, are confirmed through annual reports/CVR.

  • The data material are also checked for doublets and similar redundancies, in order to secure that any one enterprise only appears once in the data.
  • The data material is also checked for completeness, to ensure that, mainly large enterprises, which apparently doesn't have an enterprise group relation and therefore doesn't appear in the data material, is included (manually) if they indeed have an enterprise group relation and therefore are relevant.

Data compilation

It is assumed, upon the completion of the data validation checks, that Enterprise Groups in Denmark contains a complete frame of the enterprise group relations in Denmark. This means that no enumeration or imputation of data are carried out to compensate for missing data.

Derived exclusion: If the topmost Danish enterprise (the Head-of-Group) are excluded due to the demarcation, then the entire enterprise group will be excluded. Similarly if every underlying enterprise/enterprises are excluded, then the topmost Danish enterprise will also be excluded, and the entire enterprise group are removed.


No correction of data are conducted, besides the initiative described under Data validation and Data compilation.