Statistical presentation
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Food IndustriesMartin Lundø
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The statistics are an annual statement of foreign trade of organic goods, broken down by product and country groups.
Data description
The statistics are an annual statement of foreign trade of organic goods, broken down by product and country groups. The trade concerns food, beverages and animal feed, which are certified as organic.
Classification system
Commodity classifications are based on the groupings in the EU's Combined Nomenclature. Furthermore, when statistical data are published, UN's Standard Trade Classification SITC is applied. The distribution by countries is done according to the Geonomenclature of Eurostat. The nomenclatures used are described in more detail in the statistics on foreign trade in goods.
Sector coverage
Private enterprises with foreign trade.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Export: Sales value and amount of exported goods, excluding VAT.
Import: Purchase value and amount of imported goods, excluding VAT.
Country: Country defined after Eurostat's Geonomenclature.
Organic goods: Ecologically certified food or beverages. Does not include cosmetics, flower, clothes and other non-food. Exclusive vitamins and nutritional supplements. Including feed for animal production.
Organic certification of goods: Documentation of the organic status of goods, cf. the Ministry of Environment and Food's rules. Special for import: Documentation from an officially approved inspection body in the seller's home country can be obtained from Danish authorities, cf. EU regulations.
Organic certification of trade: Certification by the Ministry of Environment and Food of the right to trade in, packing or storing organic goods.
Statistical unit
The units in the statistics are goods and commodity groups as well as countries and country groups. Import or export in 1,000 kr. Data is collected among companies, broken down by SE-units (administrative units).
Statistical population
Enterprises with foreign trade of goods that may be organic (food and beverages, animal feed feed).
Reference area
Time coverage
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
1.000 DKK
Reference period
Trade in calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Act on Statistics Denmark.
Cost and burden
Response burden is calculated to 0,3 man-year.
More information can be found at the subject page for Organic Production and Trade.