Statistical presentation
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Prices and Consumption, Economic StatisticsA Solange Lohmann Rasmussen
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The Household budget survey is an annual statement of the detailed private consumption at household level for private households in Denmark. The survey covers private households in Denmark. The household budget survey provides a detailed breakdown of consumption. In the most detailed breakdown, consumption is divided into approx. 1,200 different consumption types.
Data description
The Household Budget Survey is an annual statement of consumption in private households. A private household is defined as an economic unit, ie a group of people who live together and have a high degree of common economy, ie share income and expenses. Persons in various types of joint households (prisons, long-term hospitalizations, certain institutions, etc.) are not covered, as it will often be impossible to separate the private economy from the institution's finances. For some of the information in the study, it is necessary to be aware of this omission, eg when analyzing hospital use (as more permanent hospital admissions are not covered). It is the private economy that alone is highlighted. Goods consumed in production (operating assets, etc.) and other business expenses are not included.
The results of the Household Budget Survey are published in nine annual tables describing consumption per. household for a given year and background information about the households such as income levels, housing conditions, geography, type of household etc. The average consumption for all Danish households as a whole (not by type) is distributed on a detailed item level (COICOP2018 at 5-digit level), which includes almost 300 items and is shown in both current and fixed prices. In six tables, consumption is calculated at a less detailed level, namely at almost 50 items (calculated at a 3-digit level in COCIOCP2018). On the other hand, consumption is broken down by type of household, socio-economic status, total income, type of housing, region or age. The last table shows income and consumption by income type. Consumption here is not divided into product groups.
Classification system
Consumption covers expenditure on goods and services, used for the direct satisfaction of individual needs. Consumption is grouped by purpose in the international standard European Classification Of Individual Consumption by Purpose, also known as COICOP.
The international recommendations only give instructions on the division of consumption at an overall level, but Statistics Denmark makes a further division in order to meet specific needs.
Total consumption can in the statement immediately be grouped as follows:
- Level 1 13 groups
- Level 2 49 groups
- Level 3 137 groups
- Level 4 271 groups
- Level 5 680 groups
- Level 8 approx . 1,212 individual items
see the variable list at:
For fundamental reasons, Statistics Denmark does not conduct a breakdown of the consumption of certain brands.
In addition , a large number of other groups which are documented on the website of Statistics Denmark: Nomenklaturer. This is and example, region and education.
Sector coverage
Not relevant for these statistics.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Household in the Household Budget Survey: One or more persons living at the same address, who share meals and have joint income and expenses. In the Household Budget Survey, this delimitation is made by the participating households in collaboration with the interviewer.
Statistical unit
Statistical population
All private households in Denmark.
Reference area
Time coverage
Base period
The base period for constant price calculations are at present year 2015.
Unit of measure
Consumption is measured as DKK per household per year. All amounts include VAT.
In addition, a number of characteristics are calculated, on average, for the persons in the households. These are; persons per household (including the number of children and adults), age of head of household, share of homeowners in the household and share of households with a female head of household.
Furthermore, characteristics are calculated, on average, for the dwelling itself, including size of dwelling in square meters and year of construction.
Reference period
Consumption is calculated as an annual average for the year.
Frequency of dissemination
The figures are published annually.
Legal acts and other agreements
Up to and including 2024, the Household Budget Survey is based on a “Gentlemen's Agreement”, which means that it is voluntary for the individual member states to provide Household Budget Survey data to the EU. In 2019, it was decided that the Household Budget Survey with effect from 2024 will be based on the IESS Regulation, see Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council 2019/1700 of 10 October 2019
Cost and burden
No response burden has been estimated since participation in the survey is voluntary.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Section for the Household Budget Survey.