The definition of families was changed in 2008. Statistics on families based on the new definition are accessible from the database Statbank Denmark back to 1986. These data cannot be compared to family statistics published before 2008.
Comparability - geographical
Statistics on households can be compared internationally. Internationally, definitions and delimitations of families vary considerably. Consequently, comparability with statistics on families from other countries can not be expected.
Comparability over time
Statistics published before 2008 used another set of definitions different from the currently used. Statistics published before 2008 are not comparable to later published statistics (i.e. available for the years back to 1986). Only the numbers of households are not influenced by the change in family definitions, unlike the classifications of households. Before 2008 also another definition of families was used in which children below 18 years were included in the family of their parents. Now children below 25 years are included in the family of their parents (if living at the same address). This change has increased the number of children living with parents and decreased the number of single persons.
Coherence - cross domain
The concept of household in the statistics on households and families differs from the household concept applied in the statistics on buildings and dwellings which is based on the concept of dwelling household, and from the concept applied in the survey on consumption expenditure of households which is based on interviews with a relatively small number of households. This is the household concept that is most closely associated with the recommendations of UN is the "food household", the concept of household being based on the arrangements made by persons, individually or in groups, for providing themselves with food or other essentials for living. However, it involves questionnaires, and is therefore incompatible with register-based statistics with total coverage.
Coherence - internal
Not relevant for these statistics.