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Statistical processing

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Population and Education
Iben Birgitte Pedersen
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Data on imprisonments, which Statistics Denmark receive from the Central Criminal Register, are linked to data from Statistics Denmark's Population Register and Statistics Denmark's Educational Register. Data are already validated. However, central variables go through a probability check in form of a comparison with data from the previous year.

Source data

The statistics include all imprisonments which are registered in the Central Criminal Register. Data are stored in Statistics Denmarks's Register of Imprisonments and combined with information from Statistics Denmark's Population Register and Statistics Denmark's Educational Register.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Data used in the statistics are from administrative registers.

Data validation

The statistics are based on data from other registers in Statistics Denmark and therefore already validated. However, central variables go through a probability check in form of a comparison with data from the previous year. Efforts are made to provide explanations in case that big deflections in the distribution of key variables occur. For instance, changes in the legislation or in the administrative praxis may cause fluctuations in the distributions.

Data compilation

Data on arrests from Statistics Denmark's register of imprisonments are linked to data from Statistics Denmark's Population Register and Statistics Denmark's Educational Register.

During an arrest a person can be moved from one police station/detention to another. In such cases more than one registration will be made in the Central Criminal Register. In preparation of the statistics these registrations are gathered into one single sequence.

Information on the outcome of the arrest, i.e. whether the person are released or transferred to remand custody/serving a sentence, is linked to the arrest.


No further corrections of data than mentioned in "Data validation" and "Data compilation" are done.