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Short Term Statistics
Kasper Emil Dueholm Freiman
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Index of Production in Construction

IPC is a monthly measurement of the business trends in the sector stated in index. It is compiled on a national level

Data description

The Index of production in construction is a monthly statistic that contains an overall production index for the building and construction sector in total, as well as three sub-indices for construction, civil engineering and other specialized construction work respectively. The indices show the cyclical developments in the sector and are based on hours worked in the construction and civil engineering sector from the Working Time Accounts (ATR).

The index for Total construction covers the entire section F, i.e. groups F41, F42 and F43.

The index for Construction of buildings covers the construction of buildings, i.e. implementation of construction projects.

The index for Civil engineering covers construction work, i.e. construction of roads and railways and construction of cable networks, etc.

The index for Specialized construction work covers demolition and preparatory site works, electrical installation and plumbing, as well as other building installation activities, etc.

Classification system

These statistics follow the industrial groupings in NACE Rev. 2 which is a statistical classification that categorize enterprises by their most important economic activity.

Sector coverage

The statistic covers construction.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Construction: The sector consist of section F in NACE Rev. 2.

Statistical unit

The statistic covers hours worked in firm that produce construction services.

Statistical population

The population consist of firms in construction with employment.

Reference area

The statistic covers Denmark as a whole.

Time coverage

These statistics covers the time period from January 2000 and onwards.

Base period

The index is has 2021 as its base.

Unit of measure

The statistic is an index with 2021 as it's base year.

Reference period

The statistic references months.

Frequency of dissemination

The statistic is published monthly

Legal acts and other agreements

Section 8 of the Act on Statistics Denmark secures the legal ground for collecting the data.

The statistics fall under the following regulations:

Council Regulation (EU) no. 1165/98 of 19 May 1998 concerning short-term statistics

Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 establishing the statistical classification of economic activities NACE Revision 2.

Cost and burden

These statistics are based on administrative data. There is thus no direct response burden, in relation to the compilation of this statistic.


For further information contact Statistics Denmark.