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Short Term Statistics
Lina Pedersen
+45 51 68 72 80

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Indices of Service Production

The statistics are ordered by Eurostat.

User Needs

The statistic is used by Eurostat. The strike will be interesting for those who follow the short term statistic, such as ministries, industry and interest organizations, private companies, researchers and students.

The statistic is new and the goal is to describe the rapidly expanding service industry. The statistics are ordered by Eurostat.

The main objective of the OECD Compilation Manual for an Index of Services Production is to fill a gap in existing international statistical standards for guidelines and recommendations on the compilation of output indicators for the services sector of OECD Member countries.

As the Introduction to the Manual notes, compilation of a production index to measure short-term economic activity in the services sector, an index of services production (ISP). An ISP would provide economic analysts with information that would complement an IIP on the short-term movements of an economy, and national accountants with relevant and timely information on the performance of the services sector that could be used to compile quarterly national accounts.

User Satisfaction

The statistics are delivered to Eurostat.

Data completeness rate

Indices on service production meets the requirements presented in Eurostat's work on Guide on developing an Index of Services Production (ISP) -008d-4f45-811e-1b547ed93277)