Statistical presentation
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Business DynamicsAlina Grecu
+45 30 55 18 24
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The survey has been carried out intermittently a number of times since 2007. The purpose of the survey is to establish data on the engagement of enterprises in global value chains and international outsourcing, motives and barriers related to international sourcing and the types of functions and number of jobs being moved out of Denmark as a consequence of enterprises' international sourcing.
Data description
The statistics measures the number and share of enterprises outsourcing activities to other countries. International sourcing in this context refers to the movement out of Denmark of activities currently performed in-house by the enterprise itself in Denmark. International sourcing may be to other enterprises within the enterprise group or to other (external) enterprises abroad. International sourcing does not include the expansion of activities where no existing activities are moved. In addition to breakdowns by industry, the survey provides data on the types of business functions being sourced. This may be the enterprises' core business function (typically corresponding to the industry of the enterprise) or a support function.
Furthermore, the survey provides results on the geographical destinations of international sourcing, as well as the number of jobs being moved. These are broken down by high-skilled and other jobs, in addition to industry. Finally, the motives for international sourcing are covered, e.g. reduction of labour costs or reduced delivery times. Lastly, the survey also includes questions concerning enterprises' international purchasing and selling of goods and services directly from/to enterprises abroad, and the importance of recent events on the (re)organisation of global value chains.
Classification system
Industry (NACE rev.2).
Sector coverage
The statistics covers non-agricultural, market-based activities, the economic activities of DB07: 05-09, 10-33, 35, 36-39, 41-43, 45-47, 49-53, 55-56, 58-63, 64-66, 68, 69-75 and 77-82.
Statistical concepts and definitions
International sourcing: Covers the total or partial movement of activity (core or support functions) carried out in Denmark.
Core function: The core business function of your enterprise is the production of goods or services intended for the market, and which constitutes the enterprise’s primary function. The core function in most cases corresponds to the enterprise’s industry or main activity
Support functions: Support functions (ancillary activities) are carried out in support of your enterprise’s core activity. The output of the support functions are not intended for the market/for third parties.
High-skill jobs: High-skill jobs are jobs requiring staff performing specialist functions. These are e.g. jobs requiring an academic background, management jobs or technical jobs. These jobs typically require a higher education.
Statistical unit
Legal units
Statistical population
The population is enterprises with 50 or more employees, in market-based activities outside the primary sector. The survey also covers enterprises within manufacturing and knowledge services with 20-49 employees.
Reference area
Time coverage
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Number of jobs, number of enterprises, share of enterprises
Reference period
The survey covers the period 2021-2023 concerning international sourcing. In relation to the number of employees by business functions within the Danish enterprise, the information relates to end of 2023. Questions related to international direct trade with enterprises abroad refer to the calendar year 2023.
Frequency of dissemination
The survey has so far been carried out for the periods 2001-2006, 2009-2011, 2014-2016, 2018-2020, and 2021-2023. In the future, the survey will be carried out every three years.
Legal acts and other agreements
The survey will be carried out every three years under the EU regulation (2019/2152) on European business statistics.
Cost and burden
No measure of response burden is available.
More information can be obtained from Statistics Denmark.