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Statistical processing

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External Economy
Søren Burman
+45 30 51 45 62

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International Trade in Services by Enterprise Characteristics

These statistics are compiled by combining data for International Trade in services (ITSS) with Business statistics. Data is validated by comparing data with the sources used for compiling the statistics and by comparing the different tables compiled in this statistic.

Source data

The sources used to compile the statistics are International Trade in Services Statistics (ITSS), the Business Register, the statistics for foreign owned enterprises (IFATS) and the statistics for Danish Foreign affiliates (OFATS).

Frequency of data collection

Annually information is collected from International Trade in Service Statistics (ITSS), the Business Register, the statistics for foreign owned enterprises (IFATS) and the statistics for Danish Foreign affiliates (OFATS).

Data collection

The statistics are based on information from other statistical domains. This information is combined to form an independent statistic.

Data validation

The total International Trade and total trade on service codes is compared between International Trade in Service Statistics and International Trade in Service by Enterprise Characteristics statistics to ensure consistency. Also the total trade on economic sectors, service type etc. is compared between tables in international trade in service by enterprise characteristics, to ensure internal consistency within this domain.

Data compilation

ITSS is mainly based on a sample survey (ITS survey) where around 2.935 units are surveyed, representing the full population of around 50.000 units. The grossing up procedure is fully dynamic and recalculated for each production cycle. Around 325 units are reporting monthly and are only representing themselves in the statistics, and around 2.600 is surveyed quarterly and represents the rest of the enterprises in the population. The directly reported trade cover more 90 pct. of the total trade from the ITS survey. Through a common ID-variable data from the Business register, ITSS, IFATS and OFATS are linked. The information from all these statistics are then used to form a variety of tables which can be found in the statbank. If a link cannot be established between the data sources, the enterprise in question will be a part of the group unknown for business related variables. In addition only directly reported trade is linked with the business statistics, and thus the grossed up figures, which cannot be directly linked to an enterprise, are a part of the unknown. If information about affiliates (IFATS and OFATS) is not available for the present year, the latest available year will be used to compile the statistics.


Not measured.