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Labour Market
Nete Nielsen
+45 40 10 48 87

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Labour Costs for Corporations and Organizations

The labour costs are used by enterprises to compare costs associated with having people employed, with the costs of other enterprises with similar type of employees. The comparison is often done within a certain branch of economic activity or for a certain type of work. In addition, the statistics can be used to compare labour costs across EU-member countries.

User Needs

The statistics on labours costs have many users, ranging from national and international organisations to public administration, private enterprises and individuals.

The labour costs are used by enterprises to compare costs associated with having people employed, with the costs of other enterprises with the same type of employees. The comparison is often done within a certain industrial classification code or for a certain type of work according to DISCO-08. In addition, the statistics can be used to compare labour costs across EU-member countries.

User Satisfaction

There has not been performed any evaluation/survey of user satisfaction.

Data completeness rate

Employees in business enterprises within agriculture and fisheries are excluded.