Statistical processing
Contact info
Short Term StatisticsKari Anne Janisse Arildsen
+45 40 43 38 12
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The survey is made on the basis of a randomly selected sample with approx. 6000 interviews in net value (unit nonresponse excluded) among Danish residents aged 15 years+. The sample is then grossed up to the target population (Danish residents aged 15 years+) by using different strata, which refers to groupings based on for instance gender, age, family type, family income and socio group in order to make the sample represent the target population the best way possible.
Source data
Sample survey among Danish residents aged 15 years and older. Approx. 6000 interviews per annum.
Frequency of data collection
Data is collected on a daily basis.
Data collection
Mixed data collection method. Data is collected via telephone interviews (CATI) or web survey (CAWI). The data collection was previously done inhouse by DST Survey, but has since June 2019 been carried out by an external party called Norstat. The data collection is carried out on a daily basis. The web survey was introduced in 2013 and is the increasing predominant data collection method. In August 2017, a new questionnaire was introduced, and the questionnaire has since been revised again in June 2019 when the data collection was outsourced to Norstat. Telephone interviews are no longer the primary data collection method, as more and more interviews are carried out via web survey.
Data validation
Data is validated by comparing with previous reference periods as well as crosschecked for consistency. If errors or anomalies are detected they are examined and will either be discarded or imputed before aggregating the data.
Data compilation
The data is compiled as a randomly selected sample.
Data is not adjusted after publication.