Live music
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Science, Technology and CultureSøren Østerballe
+45 23 42 32 97
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The purpose of the statistics Live music is to shed light on the activity around live music. The statistics show statements of concert organizers, concerts and the audience and include concerts with public access, where the musicians are remunerated for the performance of the musical works, and where the concerts are the main purpose of the audience's presence. The statistics have been compiled since 2020 and describe the activity around live music from 2018 to 2021.
Statistical presentation
The statistics on live music are an annual statement of the number of concert organizers, concerts and audiences divided by organizer type, sector, industry and region.
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Statistical processing
Data for the statistic of live music are collected annually from KODA,The Agency for Culture and Palaces, the music festivals' websites and Statistics Denmark's own registers. The collected data is examined and cleaned for error observations. Data about the audience appears directly from data for some of the concerts, while it is estimated for the others. The total data about concerts is used to identify the concert organizers.
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The statistics are expected to be used by professionals, researchers, authorities and other users such as journalists who are interested in live music. The statistics can create a basis for forecasts and analyzes as well as a better understanding of the industry and the actors involved. The statistics are continuously developed in collaboration with a follow-up group consisting of significant users.
Accuracy and reliability
The number of audiences, concerts and concert organizers is estimated on the basis of several data sources, including billing data for holding live concerts. This does not give the exact number of audiences and concerts, but is considered to give a true picture of the actual scope. The statistics are still under development, which is why there will be minor revisions of the published information in the first years of publication. We work continuously to ensure a high quality.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published 1 years after the end of the reference year. These statistics are published without delay, with reference to the announced time of publication in the release calendar. The statistics have been updated in November 2020 for reference year 2019. The publication of reference year 2020 is published in December 2021. The publication of reference year 2021 is published in August 2022.
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The statistics have been compiled since 2020 and describe the activity around live music from 2018 to 2023. The time series is fully comparable in the period. The statistics are not compiled according to pan-European guidelines and are therefore to a lesser extent comparable with official statistics from other countries.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published in a statistical article release and in the StatBank under Music.