The statistics have been compiled since 1900, but are in their present form comparable from 1946. Compared to the statistics regarding Prices and price index for agriculture, there can be small differences due to a slight difference in the weight composition of the individual main products.
Comparability - geographical
There has previously been data to Euro stat. But it stopped from 2010. So it may be possible to find more or less comparative data until 2010 in Euro stat.
Comparability over time
The statistics on animal products have a long history and since 1900 it is possible to compare time series for the main figures, but from 1945 there have been adequate statistics in this area. Some minor definitional changes have been made.
Coherence - cross domain
The Society of Dairies relating to milk and dairy products, Danish Slaughterhouses relating to pigs, Joint Council of the Meat Processing Industry relating to cattle and sheep and the Council of Poultry, publish statistics.
In the statistic bank, under Prices and Price index for agriculture price index for animal products that can be a small difference in these compared to the price indices in Animal Agricultural Products. This was due to a slight difference in the weight composition of the individual main products.
Coherence - internal
Not relevant for these statistics.