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Short Term Statistics
Majbrit Holst
+45 24 94 08 24

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Nights Spent at Marinas

From 2004 the statistics are voluntary which minimize the comparability over time. From 2007-20016 a new factor regarding the size of the crew has been phased in. From 2017 an onwards this factor is fully phased in.

Comparability - geographical

The statistics is voluntary and is not incorporated in the EU Regulation on tourism statistics. Eurostat.

Comparability over time

During the years the statistics have been going through some changes which have minimized the comparability.

  • From 2004 the survey is voluntary. This can influence the representation of the statistics and the numbers of marinas participating in the statistics.

  • From 2006 the months May and September were added to the statistics.

  • For the key figures the statistics is comparable over time.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics is part of the total nights spent in Denmark. The statistics are comparable with other accommodation statistics such as the hotel and camping statistics etc.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant.