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Payments by the Ministry of Culture

The statistics can be used for summaries of public funding for various cultural purposes over time. The statistics can be used as an indicator of state grants for cultural purposes, with the proviso that other ministries besides the Ministry of Culture also can pay out grants for cultural purposes. Moreover, the statistics describes geographical distribution of funding as well as characteristics of recipients in terms of geography, sex and age (persons), or size and business type (companies). The statistics is established and continuously developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture.

User Needs

The statistics is accessible for everybody: Municipalities, regions, ministries, organizations, media, politicians, private firms and individuals. The statistics can be used for summaries of public funding for various cultural purposes over time. Moreover, detailed tables describe the geographical distribution of funding as well as personal beneficiaries in terms of geography, sex and age. In the same manner, funded companies are described in terms of size, geographic location and business type.

User Satisfaction

The statistics has been established and is continuously developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture.

Data completeness rate

Not relevant for these statistics.