Statistical presentation
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Prices and Consumption, Economic StatisticsNicklas Milton Elversøe
+45 61 15 35 98
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The Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities contains monthly indices of the price development of commodities in the first stage of turnover (business-to-business), i.e. typically sales from producer to wholesaler or retailer, for commodities produced by Denmark for the domestic market and export, or for commodities imported into Denmark. The statistics are divided by product and industry groups.
Data description
The total Producer and Import Price index for commodities contains price information on:
- Commodities produced for domestic markets
- Commodities produced for export
- Imported commodities
The Producer Price Index for Commodities shows the total price development in the first stage of turnover for commodities produced in Denmark. It includes 1. and 2. above (domestic market + export). A number of sub-indices below show the price development within different industries and product groups.
Import price index for commodities sheds light on the total price development in the first stage of turnover for commodities imported into Denmark, ie. 1. above (import). A number of sub-indices below show the price development within different industries and product groups.
The Price index for domestic supply sheds light on the total price development in the first stage of turnover (business-to-business) for commodities used in Denmark. It includes 1. and 3 (domestic market + import). Below, a number of sub-indices are calculated, which show breakdowns of the total domestic supply of commodities by industry and product group.
The statistics cover all internationally traded commodities that enter or exit from Denmark's material resources by the commodities being exported or imported from Denmark's economic ownership. The statistics follow international guidelines for which transactions must be registered with regard to exports and imports of commodities.
Classification system
The Producer Price index for commodities, Import Price index for commodities and Price index for domestic supply are divided by industry and commodities.
Industry based indices follow Danish Industrial Classifications 2007 (DB07). DB07 is a Danish version of the EU's common industry nomenclature, NACE rev.2.
Indices by industry: -Producer Price index for commodities (PRIS4221) -The Total Producer and Import Price index (PRIS4321) -Price index for domestic supply (PRIS4621)
Commodity based indices follow the Combined Nomenclature (CN) and The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS). HS is the international customs classification and developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO)(EU Member States, like many other countries, have used HS as a classification for customs tariff and foreign trade statistics since 1988).
HS is a 6-digit hierarchically structured commodity classification. CN is the EU classification for customs tariffs and foreign trade statistics. CN is based on and related to HS. Data for the total Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities is collected according to this commodity-divided structure.
Indices by commodities: -Price index for domestic supply (PRIS1121)
Sector coverage
The statistic is subject to the [European regulation (EU) nr. 2019/2152] for short-term statistics. In concordance with the regulation the statistic is comprised of all imported and domestic produced commodities belonging to the industries B to E in the DB07 nomenclature. Additionally, prices are also gathered belonging to industry A for The Price index for domestic supply.
- A: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- B: Mining and quarrying
- C: Manufacturing
- D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- E: Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
The Producer- and import price index for commodities is comprised of industry B to E.
The Price index for domestic supply is comprised of industry A to C.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Price index: A price index is used to track relative price changes. The price index measure average price changes between two time periods by comparing the price index in the two periods.
Laspeyres type price index: A price index of the Laspeyres-type is a fixed basket index, where the fixed basket of goods as well as the weights, originates from an earlier period than the price reference period. The period for the basket of goods often relates to the economic activity in a complete year. The period for the basket of goods is referred to as the weight reference period.
Producer price: The sales price of products at the first stage of distribution, which typically involves the sale of goods from the producer to other businesses. In the Producer Price Index, the relevant price is the basic price, which excludes VAT and other deductible taxes related to turnover. Taxes and duties on goods and services invoiced by the company, are also excluded, whereas any product-related subsidies and discounts are included.
Domestic price: The price of Danish-produced goods and services, sold to the domestic market.
Export price: The price of Danish-produced goods and services, sold to export.
Import price: The price of imported goods and services.
Real transaction price: The price of a good or service actually paid in the market. It represents the actual price paid, inclusive of any discounts, surcharges or rebates, for an individual transaction that can be observed repeatedly
Transfer pricing: Pricing of transactions between affiliated companies. This is done in practice by pricing the transactions so that each part of the group's value chain receives a profit that is within the limits set by the authorities.
Statistical unit
Prices of commodities in the first stage of turnover.
Statistical population
Prices of commodities sold in the first stage of turnover from Danish companies in the domestic and export market, and prices of Danish companies' purchased imported commodities.
Reference area
Time coverage
The Producer Price Index for Commodities has been published since 2000. Import Price Index for Commodities has been published since 2005 onwards. The Price Index for Domestic Supply of Commodities has been published since 1981. The indices have not experienced any series breaks and are currently part of the suite of published indicators at Statistics Denmark.
Base period
Unit of measure
Index and percentage changes.
Reference period
The statistics describe the price development for a given calendar month.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
The legal authority for data collection is provided by section 8, paragraph 1 of the Act on Statistics Denmark, cf. Executive Order no. 610 of 30 May 2018.
Producer and import price indices for commodities are covered by Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 of 19 May 1998 on short-term statistics (OJ L 162 05.06 .98).
It is extended by Council Regulation (EC) No 656/2007 of 15 June 2007 concerning short-term statistics (OJ L 155, 15.6.07) to include the main industry groups.
Subsequently, there have been various regulations that have further introduced new aspects, which are now being merged and replaced by Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019.
Cost and burden
The reporting burden for these statistics was calculated at DKK 1,148,000 in 2004. The burden was calculated on the basis of the AMVAB method. AMVAB is a method used to measure the administrative burdens for companies that are associated with having to comply with specific legal requirements. AMVAB is an abbreviation for Activity-Based Measurement of Companies' Administrative Burdens, and is the Danish version of the internationally recognized SCM method (Standard Cost Model). A new reporting burden calculation will be made if the number of reporters increases by 20 per cent. or if there are structural changes in reporting to the statistics, which entails a greater reporting burden.
For more information please have a look at subject page Producer- and Import price index for commodities or contact Statistics Denmark