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Prices and Consumption
Peter Fink-Jensen
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Producer price index for renovation and maintenance

The producer price index for renovation and maintenance shows the yearly trends in the prices related to housing in Denmark. The prices are related to first commercial transactions. The first commercial transaction refers to the transaction between the requester and the producer, excl. VAT. The index reflects price changes for the production of refurbishment and maintenance services, i.e. the price the household pays a company to perform a standard refurbishment and maintenance task, such as a carpenter changing a window frame or a plumber installing a toilet.

Data description

The purpose of the Producer price index for renovation and maintenance is to track changes in prices of refurbishment and maintenance tasks performed by Danish construction and craftsman companies. The price concept is the price of a refurbishment or maintenance task incl. the producer's costs and profits, but excl. VAT and further costs not directly related to the task. The statistics is published on a yearly basis and both indices and percent developments are provided.

Classification system

The index covers refurbishment and maintenance work by firms in NACE Rev. 2 Section F (construction). The activities are grouped into so-called CPA-groups, in accordance with the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community, 2008 version. For the producer price index for refurbishment and maintenance the following groupings are published:

  • Electrical installation
  • Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation
  • Carpentry
  • Building completion
  • Roofing
  • Bricklaying

Sector coverage

This statistics covers activities related to refurbishment and maintenance in Denmark.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Producer price: The price of a produced commodity incl. the producer's direct production costs and profits and excl. VAT and additional costs not directly related to the production of the commodity.

Statistical unit


Statistical population

The target population for the Producer Price Index for refurbishment and maintenance all refurbishment and maintenance task performed in Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics cover the time period from 2014 and onwards.

Base period

2015 = 100.

Unit of measure

Index and percentage change.

Reference period

The statistics refer to the calendar year.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

The legal authority to collect data is provided by the Act on Statistics Denmark, section 8.

Cost and burden

The response burden has yet to be calculated, but it is assessed that the reporting units spend less than one hour on their response.


Further information is available at the subject page or by contacting Statistics Denmark.