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Statistical processing

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Food Industries
Karsten Kjeld Larsen
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Sales of Pesticides and Pesticides Usage in Crop Farming

Data are collected by Environmental Protection Agency.

Source data

The sales statistics are compiled on the basis of primary data submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency, which collects information about the annual sales of pesticides from all the 116 producers and importers which have been approved by the Agency. The domestic production excludes exports. Subsequently, the data are summarised before being published. The statistics on the use of pesticides in crop farming are compiled on the basis of data reported by producers and importers. Only products which are used in field crops for combating weeds, diseases and vermin and for regulating plant growth are included. They are estimated to account for 88 per cent of the total sales of pesticides for crop protection. The products intended for other outdoor purposes (e.g. fruit growing and market gardens) are as far as possible excluded. The Environmental Protection Agency makes an assessment of the pesticides sold by crop type. Data on areas with the respective crops are extracted from the annual agricultural and horticultural census.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

The pesticide statistics can be found at home page of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Data validation

When the data is collected in the database by the Environmental Protection Agency, it is examined whether the product volumes tally with the volumes of active substances.

The sales figures for the active substances are compared with the figures for the previous year. Statistics Denmark sums up the data and checks that the total figures are correct.

In the event of misunderstandings, mistakes or surprising developments, the Environmental Protection Agency is contaced.

Data compilation

The figures are collected directly from statistics of the Environmental Agency and are not subject to any further treatment.


Not relevant for these statistics.