Sales of real property
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Prices and ConsumptionJakob Holmgaard
+45 24 87 64 56
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The statistics for Sales of real estate property measure the number of sales and prices of transactions of Danish real estate properties. The statistics are used for monitoring developments in the real estate market, as well as economic developments. The current price indices link back to 1992. There are price indices for previous years, but there are methodological differences.
Statistical presentation
This statistics are published monthly including price and volume trends in real estate transactions, such as one-family houses, owner-occupied flats, agricultural properties and business properties. These statistics contain key figures broken down by category of real estate property, region, type of transfer, price index and period. The statistics include all registered real estate transactions, which include land, both newly built and existing properties.
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Statistical processing
Data concerning the registration of ownership of real estate properties is collected on a monthly basis from the electronic land registration system via Datafordeleren. The data is checked for errors by Statistics Denmark. The individual real estate transactions are divided according to category of real property, region, type of transfer and period. Aggregated figures are then calculated for number of sales, average prices and the ratio between purchase price and appraisal value (spar-value). Finally, the price index is calculated.
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There is a great interest for the published numbers among users, which follows the currently economic business cycle. The statistics of sales of real properties are relevant for the banking- and financial sector, real estate agents, politicians, researchers and the news media. The users consider the statistics for sales of real estate properties as an important economic indicator. The statistics have a high profile in the press and among other professional users.
Accuracy and reliability
The precision of the price development is the result of the quality of the appraisals and of the assumptions in the SPAR-method, which seeks to correct the quality of the sold properties in order to measure the pure price development. There is no significant bias in the preliminary figures for the price development, while the preliminary figures for the average prices are underestimated, as they are not corrected for the bias in the registration pattern.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics for sales of real property publish preliminary quarterly and annual figures 3 months after the end of the reference period. Monthly figures are published only as final figures. Final figures are available 13 months after the end of the reference period. The statistics are published without delays in the planned releases.
Read more about timeliness and punctuality
Comparable house sales statistics for all EU member states can be found on the Eurostats website where figures are published around 100 days after the end of a quarter (reference period).
Accessibility and clarity
The statistics for sales of real properties is published in News from Statistics Denmark. Detailed figures can be found in StatBank and in the [Online payment data bank]( The figures are also included in the Statistical Ten-Year Review and Statistical Yearbook (has been discontinued). Historical figures can be found here: Historical sales of real property. Analyzes (only available in Danish) can be found here and here.