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Population and Education
Eva Lotti Hansen
+45 21 59 99 06

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Teacher-student register for primary school

MED-Elementary has been developed for research purposes and creates opportunities for research in teaching at the level of the individual lessons in primary and lower secondary schools. This applies, for example, to the importance of the composition and length of the school day. In the development of MED-Elementary, external stakeholders and future users have been continuously involved.

User Needs

The users of MED-Elementary are expected to be primarily researchers, analysts and public authorities, with an interest in elementary school education. In connection with, for example, the Primary School Grade Registry or the Transition Registry, MED-Elementary can be used to analyze which factors have an influence on students' grades, further education, dropouts, etc. Such analyses can, among other things, form the basis for policy development in the field of education and administrative decisions at schools.

User Satisfaction

In the development of MED-Elementary, external stakeholders and future users have been continuously involved. Through meetings with the project's research team, the potential users' interests and preferences in relation to quality, coverage and display of data have helped to shape the final register. Several of the potential users of the registry have also had access to temporary versions of the registry in order to test the usability of the registry in relation to the size of the data sets and the computational performance.

Data completeness rate

Not relevant for this statistics.