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Food Industries, Business Statistics
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The Supply and Use of Cereals and Feed

The statistics are an annual calculation of agriculture's feed supply and feed consumption calculated in millions. kg and million DKK. Feed supply and feed consumption are calculated for a large number of feed materials by drawing up balance sheets. It is calculated for both calendar year and operating year and by origin.

Data description

The statistics are annual calculations of the agricultural feed supply and feed consumption calculated in million kilo and million DKK. The value calculation of feed materials can be found in the statbank table FODER6, while FODER1 are calculated in million kilo. The feed consumption is calculated for a large number of feed materials, for example wheat bran or oil cakes, by setting up balance sheets that calculate how large amounts are used for feed. The statistics are calculated both for calendar year and operating year, and by origin. The statistics on the Supply and Use of Cereals and Feed are related to the statistics on the distribution of fodder according to use in feed mixtures or as single fodder (statbank table FODER2), as both statistics contain the same feedstuff.

Classification system

A, 01.00.0, Agriculture and Horticulture. Classifications: Feed stuff, production of compound feed and use of fodder

Sector coverage


Statistical concepts and definitions

Straight feeding stuff: Straight feeding stuff is a single feeding stuff e.g. wheat, which together with other feeding products become compound feeding stuff.

Ensiling: Method for preserving fodder from whole grains, grass or other green fodder.

Compound feeding stuff: A feed mixture consists of two or more ingredients and is pre-mixed from the factory, ready for the livestock to eat. Typically, it contains one or more crops, eg wheat, and in addition other feed materials. It can be anything from fishmeal, milk powder, oilseeds and vitamins and minerals

Fodder unit : Measure of energy content in crops that can be used for fodder.

Feed value: Feed value is calculated in feed units, which is a calculation unit. A feed unit is calculated differently from different feeding products. It depends on which product is used. E.g. there must be a larger amount of straw to a feed unit that wheat.

Supply balance: A compilation of the national accounts which shows both the supply of goods and services in a country over a period of time as well as the use of these goods. By definition, supply and use are always the same. The components of the supply balance are GDP and imports of goods and services on the supply side and consumption, gross investments and exports of goods and services on the usage side.

Grass in rotation: Area planned to be cultivated with grass for a maximum of five seasons.

Coarse fodder: Fodder crops used more or less unprocessed for fibrous fodder. Includes Whole crop, maize for green fodder, grass, fodder turnips etc.

Cereal trading companies: Companies, who buys and sells cereals and feed products.

Maize for green fodder: Maize that is harvested as a whole crop before ripening and usually ensiled for fodder.

Grain maize: Maize grown for ripening of cobs and kernels in September-October. Used for fodder.

Crude protein: The quantity of a feed product, which is protein. The content of protein differs in the different feeding products.

Feedstuff: A feedstuff is any crop or product that is used as feed for livestock. In addition to grain, it can be oilseeds, products from sugar production, e.g. beet pulp or molasses, grass, dairy products for feed or fishmeal.

Mixed crops: Mixture of crops sown in the same field, eg. of cereals and/or legumes.

Statistical unit

Data is collected from companies including farms.

Statistical population

The population covers agriculture in Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics Feed Stuffs in Agriculture (FODER1) cover the period from 1990 and beyond.

The statistics Value of feeding stuffs (FODER 6) cover the period from 2000 and beyond.

Base period

Not relevant for this statistic.

Unit of measure

  • Weight (million kg)
  • Crude protein (million kg)
  • Price per 100 kg
  • Million DKK

Reference period

The statistics have to reference periods. Calendar year and crop year, which is from d. July 1st to June 30th.

Frequency of dissemination

The statistics are published once a year.

Legal acts and other agreements

The Act on Statistics Denmark and the supply and use of cereals and feed is a contribution to meet the Regulation no. 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Economic Accounts for Agriculture in the Community.

Cost and burden

There is no comprehensive assessment of the reporting burden for the Supply and Use of Cereals and Feed. The statistics do not have their own independent data collection but instead compile data from several other statistics, such as the Cereal Stocks at Traders and the Use of Cereals.


Further information can be obtained from Statistics Denmark or on the subject page Foder, gødning og pesticider