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Statistical presentation

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Food Industries, Business Statistics
Mads Haaning Andersen
+45 51 85 76 27

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The Use of Cereals

The statistics is an annual calculation of the supply balance sheets for cereals in million kg. The utilization of cereals is calculated both for calendar year and crop years and is published for 6 different cereals and cereals in total. The supply balance sheets contain for each type of cereals statistics on cereals available: harvest, imports and initial stocks, as well as statistics on the use of cereals for different purposes: exports, final stocks, seeds, flour production and other manufacturing, feeding. Moreover, the supply balance sheets are produced based on the origin of the cereals, whether it is produced in Denmark or abroad.

Data description

The purpose is to compile annual supply balance sheets calculated for both calendar year and crop year. It is calculated for quantities harvested, imports and exports, cereals used for seeds, cereals used for flour production and other industrial purposes, initial and final stocks and cereals used for feeding. The supply balance sheets are calculated for six different cereals: wheat, rye, triticale, barley, oats and dredge corn and grain maize and cereals in total. Moreover the supply balance sheets are produced based on the origin of the cereals, whether the cereals is produced in Denmark or abroad.

Classification system

Data is divided by crop (wheat, rye, triticale, barley, oats and mixed seed, maize, etc.), origin (Danish, imported) and type (harvest, import, storage primo, seed, export, milling, industrial purpose, storage primo, feed consumption ). The crop item Maize etc also contains small cereals such as buckwheat, millet or sorghum. These small cereals are largely not grown in Denmark, and therefore there is no Danish production or export, only imports.

Sector coverage


Statistical concepts and definitions

Used for feeding: The amount of cereals used for feed

Grinding for flour, groats etc.: The amount of cereals used for grinding flour, groats, etc.

Production less waste: The harvested amount of cereals minus waste

For manufacturing: The amount of cereals used for manufacturing e.g. for input to beverages.

Cereal trading companies: Companies, who buys and sells cereals and feed products.

Stocks, primo: The stocks of cereals at the beginning of the year

Stocks, ultimo: Stocks of cereals at the end of the year

Seeds for sowing: The amount of cereals used for sowing

Hvede: Wheat consists of both spring and winter wheat

Statistical unit

Legal entities.

Statistical population

The population covers agriculture in Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics covers from 1995 and onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Million kg.

Reference period

The statistics has to reference periods. End of crop year at June 30th, and end of calendar year December 31th.

Frequency of dissemination

The statistics is published to times a year.

Legal acts and other agreements

The Act on Statistics Denmark and the utilization of cereals is a contribution to meet the Regulation no. 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Economic Accounts for Agriculture in the Community.

Cost and burden

  • The burden for delivering data to Stock of cereals at the farmers is last calculated to 4,000 DKK
  • The burden for delivering data to Stock of cereals at wholesalers is last calculated to 26,000 DKK


Further information can be obtained from Statistics Denmark.