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Short Term StatisticsPeter Ottosen
+45 30 42 91 91
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The statistics are published quarterly in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik and all data are available online in
Selected tables are published in Statistical 10-year Review.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
The statistics are published quarterly in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik (in Danish only).
Road goods transport with Danish road goods vehicles are published together with other transport statistics in tables in Statistical Ten-year Review (in Danish only).
On-line database
The statistics are published in the StatBank under the subject Transport of goods by lorry in the following tables:
- NVG1: National transport of goods by road by unit, type of transport, type of vehicle/total permisable laden weight, age of vehicle, distance of journey and time
- NVG11: National goods road transport by type of transport, unit and time
- NVG13: Use of capacity of Danish goods road vehicles in national transport by unit, type of transport, load and time
- IVG11: International goods road transport by Danish vehicles by type of transport, unit and time
- VG2: Goods road transport (factual data) by type of transport, unit and time
- IVG13: International goods road transport by Danish vehicles by type of transport, country, unit and time
- IVG14: Capacity use of Danish goods road vehicles in international transport by type of transport, load, unit and time
- IVG23: International transport of goods by road between countries by unit, country of loading, country of unloading, type of goods and time
- NVG41: National transport of goods by road by unit, type of cargo, type of goods and time
- IVG41: International transport of goods by road by unit, type of transport, type of cargo, type of goods and time
- NVG33: National transport of dangerous goods by road by unit, region of loading, region of unloading, type of goods and time
- NVG121: National goods road transport by type of transport, type of goods, unit and time
- IVG121: International goods transport by Danish road vehicles by type of transport, type of goods, unit and time
- IVG1: International transport of goods by road by unit, type of vehicle/total permisable laden weight, age of vehicle, distance of journey and time
- IVG3: International transport of dangerous goods by road by unit, type of transport, type of goods and time
- NVG5: Use of capacity of Danish goods road vehicles in national transport by unit, distance of journey, type of vehicle/type of transport, load and time
- IVG5: International transport of goods by road by unit, country of start-of-journey, country of destination and time
- IVG6: Use of capacity of Danish goods road vehicles in international transport by unit, distance of journey, type of tansport/type of vehicle, load and time
- NVG23: National transport of goods by road between regions by unit, region of loading, region of unloading, type of goods and time
- UVG1: Goods road transport by foreign road vehicle by unit, land of registration, type of transport and time
Micro-data access
Access to anonymised micro-data is possible through the Research Services.
Not relevant for these statistics.
Confidentiality - policy
The statistics is treated according to Statistics Denmarks Confidentiality policy.
Confidentiality - data treatment
The statistics are based on a sample and the stratification are assessed to ensure sufficient confidentiality to hide enterprise specific information.
Documentation on methodology
Eurostat publishes EU and EFTA country statistics on road freight statistics. This statistics are produced according to common EC legislation and guidelines. The common guidelines and descriptions of each country practice can be found at Eurostats homepage:
- Road freight transport methodology — 2016 edition.
- Methodologies used in surveys of road freight transport in Member States, EFTA and Candidate Countries - 2014 edition
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.