Contact info
National Accounts, Climate and EnvironmentMichael Berg Rasmussen
+45 51 46 23 15
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Water accounts and statistics are of relevance for administrative bodies, researchers, NGOs, businesses, the educational sector and individuals - all with interests in water, pollution, resources, economic-environmental interactions, etc. To ensure international comparability, the waste accounts are prepared according to the UN statistical standard SEEA (System of Environmental-Economic Accounting) 2012.
User Needs
Users are administrative bodies, researchers, NGOs, businesses, the educational sector and individuals - all with interests in water, waste water, resources, economic-environmental interactions, sustainable development etc.
User Satisfaction
The statistics and accounts have been presented for expert users in the user committee for economic-environmental statistics and accounts, contact for economic statistics and accounts (only in Danish).
Data completeness rate
The statistics are not covered by regulation.