Working time accounts
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Labour MarketFlemming von Hadeln Løve
+45 20 54 87 73
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The purpose of the Danish working time accounts (WTA) is to compile time series on hours worked and calculate wage and employment data for companies registered in Denmark. The statistics integrate and aggregate existing statistics, including the Labor Market Accounts (LMA) and Employees, and it is comparable since 2008.
Statistical presentation
The statistics is a quarterly and yearly calculation of hours actually worked, number of employees, number of jobs and wages in DKK million. The statistics are distributed by industry, sector, whether you are an employee or self-employed, and by gender.
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Statistical processing
The population and concepts as well as levels of the variables are defined by annual structural data sources. Short-term data sources are applied in projections to periods for which structural data are not available. Summation of the data is conducted before they are projected. Data is seasonally adjusted for national use.
In the new EU statistics under Council Regulation (EC) No 2019/2152 of 27 November 2019 concerning European Business Statistics, data are trade day adjusted before being compiled into indices
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The statistics is relevant for users interested in social and economic statistics.
Accuracy and reliability
The statistics is mainly based on the Labour Market Accounts (LMA). LMA integrates and harmonizes a wide range of data sources in a statistical system. This means that LMA can illustrate the labour market better than individual statistics can. LMA is at the same time based on a total census of the population, so there is not the same uncertainty as with statistics based on sampling. The quality of the statistics has also been significantly improved by the fact that the projection period has been reduced compared to previous versions.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The annual Working Time Accounts (WTA) are published 6 months after the reference year. The quarterly WTA are published two months and 15 days after the reference quarter.
The statistics are usually published without delay in relation to the scheduled date.
Read more about timeliness and punctuality
The Working Time Accounts (WTA) provide data for Council Regulation (EC) No 2019/2152 of 27 November 2019 and for the National Accounts (SNA/ESA). Changes in these will typically lead to changes in the ATR. For an explanation of transition tables between ATR and SNA/ESA, see National Accounts publications.
Accessibility and clarity
The statistics are published in News from Statistics Denmark (Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik in Danish only) and in the Statbank Denmark. You can read more on our website on the Working Time Account, WTA and our website on employment.
S.6.2. Data sharing: In addition to quarterly figures to Eurostat (STS and indirectly via ESA), data from the Danish WTA are also transmitted to OECD (regional questionnaire) and ILO (ILOSTAT database) although the latter are transmitted in annual figures only.