Accounts and budgets of regions
The statistics monitor the current and capital accounts and budgets of the regions and their financing. The accounts and budgets are subdivided into several purposes (accounts) and by real economic type of transaction. The accounts make it possible to see e.g. the regions' expenditure on hospitals, while the budgets express the expected future spending.
The present statistics on the accounts and budgets of the regions go back to 2007. The statistics show welfare spending by various functions or purposes. In addition, they include aggregates for both net and gross spending.
However, comparing different years can be difficult due to changes in the authorised chart of accounts provided by the central government, while comparing across regions is difficult as regions may have different accounting practices within the framework of the authorised chart of accounts.
Budgets and accounts cannot be compared as the economy changes and the regions portfolio of tasks and financing can change over time.
Since 1977, Statistics Denmark has collected data on accounts of regions (formerly counties). Since 1990 the budgets has been collected as well. However, the local government reform in 2007 changed the distribution of responsibility as well as the budget planning and accounting system. Furthermore, the counties were replaced by the regions, thus making it very difficult, if not impossible, to compare 2006 with 2007.
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