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Tables in StatBank

Persons below the state pension age on public benefits

Table ID Updated
Persons receiving public benefits
region, type of benefits, sex and age | Unit: Number
AUK01 18-03-2025
Persons receiving public benefits
type, type of benefits, age and sex | Unit: Number
AUK02 18-03-2025
Persons receiving public benefits
region, type of benefits, sex and age | Unit: Number
AUK03 18-03-2025
Persons receiving public benefits
region, type of benefits, country of origin and sex | Unit: Number
AUK04 18-03-2025
Persons receiving public benefits
type of benefits, sector, sex and age | Unit: Number
AUK05 18-03-2025
Persons receiving public benefits (Seasonally adjusted)
type of benefits | Unit: Number
AUKS01 18-03-2025
Persons receiving public benefits (Seasonally adjusted)
type of benefits, sex and age | Unit: Number
AUKS02 18-03-2025
Persons who are not in ordinary employment
region, type of benefits, sex and age | Unit: Number
AUH01 16-04-2024
Persons receiving public benefits
type, type of benefits, age and sex | Unit: Number
AUH02 16-04-2024
Persons receiving public benefits
region, type of benefits, sex and age | Unit: Number
AUH03 16-04-2024
Persons receiving public benefits
region, type of benefits, country of origin and sex | Unit: Number
AUH04 16-04-2024
Persons receiving public benefits
type of benefits, sector, sex and age | Unit: Number
AUH05 16-04-2024
Persons receiving public benefits
sex, age, type of benefits and ancestry | Unit: Number
LIGEIB5 16-04-2024
Persons receiving public benefits
sex, age, type of benefits and family type | Unit: Number
LIGEIB6 16-04-2024
Gender equality indicator on persons receiving public benefits
age, type of benefits and ancestry | Unit: -
LIGEII5 16-04-2024
Gender equality indicator on persons receiving public benefits
age, type of benefits and family type | Unit: Per 100,000 persons
LIGEII6 16-04-2024