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Tables in StatBank

Cultural and recreational activities

Table ID Updated
Use of cultural activities
cultural activity, sex and age | Unit: Per cent
KV2HOVED 02-12-2024
Use of media, social media, music, literature, digital games and exercise
cultural activity, sex, age and frequency | Unit: Per cent
KV2HYP1 02-12-2024
Use of performing arts, exhibitions, libraries, sports events and heritage sites
cultural activity, sex, age and frequency | Unit: Per cent
KV2HYP2 02-12-2024
Use of cultural activities
cultural activity, sex and highest education completed | Unit: Per cent
KV2UDD 02-12-2024
Use of cultural activities
cultural activity, sex and age, and urbanisation | Unit: Per cent
KV2URB 02-12-2024
Membership for youth and outdoor activities organisations
organisation | Unit: 1,000 people
MEDLEM2 04-07-2024
Consumption of e-learning (quarter)
activity and age and sex | Unit: Per cent
KVUFRI03 14-03-2024
Voluntary work (quarter)
area and age and sex | Unit: Per cent
KVUFRI04 14-03-2024
Voluntary work (per cent of the population)
municipality groups and area | Unit: Per cent
LABY18 22-02-2024
Consumption of recreation (year)
activity, sex and age | Unit: Per cent
KVUARFR3 09-11-2023
Voluntary work (year)
area, sex and age | Unit: Per cent
KVUARFR4 09-11-2023
Individuals use of cultural activities (year) within the past three months
cultural activities and area | Unit: Per cent
KVUARGEO 09-11-2023
Cultural activities (year) within the last three months
cultural activities, area and frequency | Unit: Per cent
KVUH1GEO 09-11-2023
Cultural activities (year) within the last three months
activity, age, gender and frequency | Unit: Per cent
KVUH1KA 09-11-2023
Cultural activities (year) within the last three months
cultural activities, education and frequency | Unit: Per cent
KVUH1UDD 09-11-2023
Cultural activities (year) within the last week
cultural activities, area and frequency | Unit: Per cent
KVUH2GEO 09-11-2023
Cultural activities (year) within the last week
activity, age, gender and frequency | Unit: Per cent
KVUH2KA 09-11-2023
Cultural activities (year) within the last week
cultural activities, education and frequency | Unit: Per cent
KVUH2UDD 09-11-2023
Cultural activities (year) within the last three months
cultural activities, sex and age | Unit: Per cent
KVUAARKA 09-11-2023
Visit to museums by age and sex
age and sex | Unit: Per cent
KVUMUS6 01-03-2022
Cultural activities with others within the past three months
cultural activities, age and sex and use | Unit: Per cent
KVUSMMEN 02-06-2020
Talks about films, series or books within the past three months
cultural activities, age and sex and frequency | Unit: Per cent
KVUSNAK 02-06-2020