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Key Figures on Parishes

Kirke ved sø

Get an insight into the population of a parish

This product gives information about the population in a postcode, such as: Numbers of inhabited residences, how much the inhabitants earn, their occupation and whether they commute back and forth to work to a workplace outside the postcode.

A tool for simple surveys

The tables can for example be used to prepare the initial market analysis in connection with the establishment of a business or before launching a marketing campaign.


You can order a one year subscription to each table individually and get direct and immediate access to both data from the latest published year and data back in time. See prices for each table in our Online Payment Data Bank


To buy a subscription to a single table please go to our Online Payment Data Bank by clicking the button below.

Online Payment Data Bank

Please notice that when you order you accept

Statistics Denmark's General Terms and Conditions of Agreements.


DST Consulting
tel. +45 3917 3600
Allan Hansen
tel. +45 3917 3168


If you need to combine the tables with other variables or have them combined in a different way than in our standard tables, please send an e-mail to our consultants in Customer Centre. Read more about  tailor-made solutions


Key Figures on Postcodes


DST Consulting
Phone: +45 39 17 36 00