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The future of social statistics in the Pan-African Statistics Programme 2

The inception report

19 August 2022 13:00

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All activities in the future project support the objective of reinforcing the capacity of selected African NSIs in producing independent comparable high quality social statistics, while strengthening SDG monitoring and introducing various new methodologies to reduce production costs.

The expected results will occur within all phases of the data value chain, from the identification, collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of official social statistics.

The results of the 4 months’ inception period for the Pan-African Statistics project PAS2 have just been presented in a new report. You can find the report here:

Have a look, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

The implementation will unfold in close cooperation with remaining grants and projects under PAS2 as well as with STATAFRIC, UNECA, UNSD, UNDESA, regional Worldbank programmes, and other relevant local stakeholders per selected country.


The PAS2 SOCSTAFF programme is funded by the European Union


DST Consulting
Phone: +45 39 17 36 00