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Where can I find lists of addresses?

Note: Below, we provide links to data from Statistics Denmark and to others who make statistics on the subject. In some instances, the sources referred to below have content in Danish only or limited content in English.

Addresses of educational institutions can be bought from Statistics Denmark. Please contact DST Consulting.

Addresses of municipalities can be found in an Excel file at Local Government Denmark KL (at the bottom of the page).

Adresses of enterprises

  • Overviews - for example limited to industries - can be purchased from Statistics Denmark. Please contact DST Consulting
  • Alternatively, you can search for individual companies free of charge in CVR at the Danish Business Authority
    Other types of extracts from CVR - Central Business Register

Addresses of persons

  • Private enterprises, associations, foundations etc. can purchase access to information on names and addresses of their own customers or members from CPR - the Central Person Register
  • Private individuals can make inquiries for address information of other persons via a municipality. A guide is available at CPR. You can make the actual address inquiry via the citizen service


[This page was last reviewed in February 2023]



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