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Source references and use of our logo

You are free to re-use and reproduce contents from and This includes even commercial use. You should, however, always include a source accreditation to Statistics Denmark. You are, however, not allowed to use our logo.

Source references

The source reference should link to the StatBank or, where the user can see the data in context.

Examples of correct source reference:

Source: Statistics Denmark -

Source: Statistics Denmark – (the code following indicates the specific table from which the figures are extracted.)

You are welcome to reproduce our graphic figures or make your own graphic figures on the basis of our data. Statistics Denmark must also in this context be cited as source.

If you subject our data to further processing; this must be clearly stated. This can be done, e.g. by writing: ”Source” Own calculations based on data from Statistics Denmark."

Copying and use of content

The content on and can be freely copied and used - except for photos. An agreement with Statistics Denmark is required here - contact

Press photos of Statistics Denmark's executive board may, however, be reproduced freely.

Videos can only be reused in their unaltered form.

Use of Statistics Denmark's logo

Statistics Denmark's logo may only be used by others than Statistics Denmark when it comes to collaborative projects such as publications where the use of the logo has been agreed.

Open data

 Statistics Denmark's open data are official statistics data, which are electronically available in a way that users can apply them directly in various applications. They can be accessed either via a user interface or via an API against the StatBank. Data can be freely used in the development of various services, including development of apps for smartphones.

All statistics on and the website can be used free of charge commercially as well as non-commercially. It is, however, required to indicate the source. This corresponds to the license known as Creative Commons, CC 4.0 BY

An overview of Statistics Denmark's open data is available at that contains data from all statistics areas produced by Statistics Denmark. Data can be downloaded as tables, graphics, on map and in a variety of data formats or as bulk download - depending on whether the user interface or the API is used. The StatBank contains always the latest updated data. 


Statistics Denmark shall not be financially responsible for any direct or indirect damage or loss incurred by the user, including lost profits by the user or for damage or loss incurred by any joint contractors of the user as a consequence of errors in the statistics or errors that have occurred in connection with processing of the statistics.

Statistics Denmark shows links to external sources as a service. The use of these links does not imply any recommendation or support of views put forward on the websites in question.

Statistics Denmark does not check the contents and availability of external websites, and we hereby disclaim any responsibility for these.



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