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Food IndustriesHenrik Bolding Pedersen
+45 20 57 88 87
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These statistics are relevant to Ministries, researchers and agricultural organizations to measure the income of agricultural holdings. The collections of data also meets the Danish obligations towards the European Union's Farm Accountancy Data Network, FADN.
User Needs
The Danish authorities, including particularly the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, researchers and national and international students, organizations in agriculture and horticulture and enterprises broadly related to the agricultural sector, e.g. credit grantors. The data collected for the statistics are used as basis for projections in the section concerning short-term statistics in the IFRO publication, Economics in Agriculture. Data are submitted to EU's information network for Agricultural Book-Keeping, INLB (French RICA, English FADN). The data form the basis for decision-making in agriculture at national as well as at EU level.
User Satisfaction
This statistics are prepared as part of an agreement between the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark. As part of the agreement there are an annual meeting evaluating the statistics and a working group following the statistics with representatives from the Ministry and researchers.
Data completeness rate
The Agricultural Account Statistics do not provide data to Eurostat, but to FADN. Data delivered to FADN are in accordance with COM 220/2015.