Statistical presentation
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Food IndustriesHenrik Bolding Pedersen
+45 20 57 88 87
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The statistics analyze the profit and loss accounts, balance and investments at the level of farms (enterprise level). The primary statistical data contain detailed accounts items, including items for turnover, purchases, costs, operating result of the year, assets, liabilities and investments. In addition to this, the personal finances of the households are analyzed, as information on income outside of agriculture, paid taxes and private consumption are available for some farms. The farms are broken down by full-time and part-time farms as well as types of farming.
Data description
The statistics analyzes the profit and loss accounts, balance and investments at the level of farms (enterprise level). The primary statistical data contain detailed accounts items, including items for turnover, purchases, costs, operating result of the year, assets, liabilities and investments. In addition to this, the personal finances of the households are analyzed, as information on income outside of agriculture, paid taxes and private consumption is available for some farms.
The farms are broken down by full-time and part-time farms in accordance with the standard working consumption, which is estimated for the various agricultural activities and is applied for the purpose of avoiding an inexpedient impact on the quality of manpower, degree of mechanization and contract operations, which would be a consequence of the application of actual work performance. A full-time farm has a total workload of at least 1,665 hours.
The classification according to the economic size is made on the basis of the total standard output (SO) of each individual farm. The SO is calculated for all types of crops and species of livestock as an average of the actual outputs (correspond to the Gross Output) per hectare or per animal in a reference period of 5 years. SO is composed of the different activities on the farm and the type of holding is determined. As a main rule a type of holding is determined when 50 pct. of the total SO is from one specific activity.
Classification system
The statistics are divided by conventional farming, organic farming or gardening. Organic farms are fully converted organic farms although gardening includes both conventional and organic gardening. It is also divided by region or provinces or type of farm. The type of farms are furthermore divided by FTEs and number of animals.
Sector coverage
The statistics cover all agricultural and horticultural holdings in Denmark.
Statistical concepts and definitions
0265: Labour input, hours: Total labour input, paid as well as unpaid in hours.
0290: Gross output, DKK 1,000: Income from sales of the production, including internal feeding stuff and seeds for sowing, work performed for others, changes in value of livestock, payment-in-kind to private individuals and paid labour and direct subsidies.
0470: Costs, DKK 1,000: Costs linked to the generation of gross output, including stocks reductions of feeding stuff, fertilizers and other intermediate products. Cost of financing and family renumeration are excluded.
0655: Operating profit, DKK 1,000: Gross output (0290) minus costs (0470).
0660: Costs of financing, agriculture, DKK 1,000: The agricultural part of the costs of financing.
0720: Net profit, DKK 1,000: Operating profit (0655) minus Costs of financing (0660) plus General subsidies (0705).
0732: Net profit after family renumeration, DKK 1,000: Net profit (0720) minus family renumeration (3505).
0735: Investments, DKK 1,000: Total investments: In agricultural assets, other private assets, financial assets and savings for retirement.
0845: Internal financing, DKK 1,000: Internal financing are mainly profit and depreciations.
0850: External financing, DKK 1,000: External financing is mainly bank loans and mortgage loans.
0880: Assets (beginning of the year), DKK 1,000: Value of the holding as well as financial and private assets such as dwelling, car, bank deposits, securities etc.
0960: Liabilities (beginning of the year), DKK 1,000: Liabilities are divided in debts, deferred taxation, tenancy and net capital.
1075: Liabilities (end of the year), DKK 1,000: Liabilities are divided in debts, deferred taxation, tenancy and net capital.
1135: Net capital changes, total, DKK 1,000: Total changes in the net capital during the accounting year.
1170: Net capital, end of the year, DKK 1,000: Own assets minus debts and deferred taxes at the end of the year.
3505: Family remuneration, DKK 1,000: Calculated as hourly wages times a calculated cost per hour. For 2013 the calculated cost was DKK 185.50 per hour including premiums.
3510: Net output, DKK 1,000: Defined as Operating profit (0655) plus General subsidies (0705) minus tenancy, rent of buildings, leasing and family renumeration (3505).
3515: Calculated interest, DKK 1,000: Calculated as 4 per cent of the value of agricultural assets.
3520: Labour income, DKK 1,000: The labour income shows the workers and the families´ ability to create earnings at the farm.
3525: Operating profit, per cent.: The operating margin shows the operating profit compared to the gross output. It is calculated: (operating profit (0655) + General subsidies (0705) - family remuneration (3505)/gross output (0290))*100
3530: Degree of profitability, per cent.: The degree of profitability shows the return of the invested capital in percent. It is calculated: (Operating profit (0655) + general subsidies (0705) - family remuneration (3505))/agricultural assets ultimo *100
3535: Rate of return, per cent.: The rate of return shows how large the return of the own assets has been. It is calculated: (Operating profit (0655) + general subsidies (0705) - family remuneration (3505) - tenancy - other financial costs)/own agricultural assets
3540: Labour income, DKK per hour: The labour income per hour shows the workers and the families ability to create earnings (3520) at the farm per hour.
3542: Farm solvency, per cent (after deferred taxation): Farm solvency shows how large a percent share of the assets which are internally financed after deferred taxation. It is calculated (Net capital, end of year)/Assets, own, end of year)*100
3545: Farm solvency: Farm solvency shows how large a percent share of the assets which are internally financed. It is calculated (Net capital+ deferred Taxation, end of year)/Assets, own, end of year)*100
3550: Ratio of debts, per cent.: Ratio of debt shows how large a percent share of the assets which are external financed. It is calculated: (debt- tenancy)/assets - tenancy)*100
0010: Area, at the beginning of the year: The total area of the holding. Owned and rented land under cultivation and rented out land.
Statistical unit
The overall statistical unit is per holding as defined in the Farm Structure Survey Farm Structure Survey. Furthermore, the holdings are divided into full-time and part-time holdings and additionally categorized in subgroups of main activities such as dairy cattle, other cattle, pig fattening, poultry, field crops, vegetables under glass and in open and many more.
Statistical population
The population in agriculture covers all farms, which according to Statistics Denmark's agricultural and horticultural surveys have a SO at least 25.000 Euros. The threshold has been changed from accounting year 2020 from 15.000 Euros earlier on.
Reference area
Time coverage
The accounts statistics for agriculture and horticulture are calculated from 2008 and forwards. Statistics from former years are also available but are calculated with another division of the farms.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
The accounts variables are measured in 1.000 DKK,, Other accounts variables such as operating margin and degree of profitability in per cent. Labor input is measured in hours. Livestock is measured in number and land use in hectares or square meters. Harvest yields are measured in hkg per hectares. Milk is measured in standard milk yield, kg per cow. the energy consumption is measured in gigajoule.
Reference period
The accounts statistics are primarily related to calendar-based annual accounts. However, there are also accounts, especially gardening, ending in the period 1 January - 30 June included in the statistics.
Frequency of dissemination
The statistics are published yearly. For agriculture preliminary data are published in the beginning of July while final statistics are published approximately 1th of October.
Legal acts and other agreements
EU1217/2009 is the basic regulation about Denmark's responsibility towards EU's Farm Accountancy Data Network, FADN, supplemented by EU1198/2014. The collection of data from the accountants are based on acceptance from the farmer. A register of farms from which there are acceptance are kept by Statistics Denmark.
Another important regulation is EU2015/220 with later amendments. This delegated regulation defines sample and regions, economic thresholds, typology and farm return tables. EU1915/83 defines dates and payment for data.
The regulations can be found ind EU's database: EUR-Lex - Access to European Union law
Cost and burden
No response burden is estimated as participation in the survey is voluntary.
Other information is available on the statistics subject page or by contacting Statistics Denmark