Statistical presentation
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Business DynamicsJeppe Strandgaard Herring
+45 24 44 43 06
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The statistics are essentially aggregations of items of the annual accounts of business enterprises, notably items of the profit and loss account, the balance sheet and the statement of fixed assets. The accounting statistics are published in the news from Statistics Denmark and the StatBank.
Data description
The statistics are essentially aggregations of items of the annual accounts of business enterprises, notably items of the profit and loss account, the balance sheet and the statement of fixed assets. Thus, a wide range of subjects are covered, e.g. turnover, purchases, expenses, profits, assets, liabilities and investment. Results are compiled and published at both enterprise and establishment level, including distributions according to kind of activity, form of ownership, size group and region.
The data collected from all sources are combined in such a way that a complete set of accounting items is computed for each business enterprise and its component units (establishments) in the survey population. The resulting survey files can easily yield alternative breakdowns and tabulations, in addition to those published.
Classification system
The industry coding follows the Danish industrial classifications, Dansk Branchekode 2007 (DB07), which is the national version of NACE rev. 2. A complete overview can be found at the DB07 site.
Sector coverage
The private secondary and tertiary industries.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Revenue: Revenue from the sale of products and services arising from the company's primary operations. Revenue is calculated after discounts and is excl. taxes, etc., directly related to the sale. Also includes work performed at own expense and entered under assets, e.g. manufacture of own machines.
Other Operating Income: Income not related to primary operations, including reimbursed sickness benefits and public wage subsidies. In some cases also much larger amounts, for example in connection with divestments.
Cost of Goods Consumed: The consumption that is included in the turnover.
Financial Receipts: Receipts from interest, dividends, income from participating interests, profit due to appreciation and on exchanges.
Financial Expenses: Interest payable and similar charges, depreciation etc. on financial current or fixed assets.
Current Assets: Stocks, debts receivable, cash.
Fixed Assets: Part of the capital of the enterprise which are meant to be kept e.g. land, buildings, machinery, equipment, patent, shares, and bonds.
Equity: Equity can be defined as being the owners of the company's accounting share of the company's financing. Calculated as total assets minus the sum of provisions and debts and is thus stated under liabilities, as it is in principle a value that the company owes to the owners.
Short-term Debts: Debts payable within 1 year.
Long-term Debts: Debts payable later than 1 year.
Provisions for Liabilities and Charges: Obligations where the exact amount or due date is not known with certainty, e.g. deferred taxation.
Investment: Increase and decrease of assets. Increase (acquisitions) is stated at book value before any adjustments. Assets acquired through financial leasing are included. Decrease (disposals) is stated at selling price (if not known then the written-down value).
Value added: Turnover and other operating income, less the cost of consuming goods and services. In other words, value added expresses the value creation that takes place in the profession.
Value Added (percent): Value added in per cent of Turnover and Other operating income.
Return on Equity: Profit or loss for the financial year after Corporation tax measured in per cent of the average of the Capital and reserves during the year.
Gross Profit Ratio: Turnover minus Cost of goods consumed minus Cost of subcontractors and other work done by others on your firms materials measured in per cent of Turnover.
Net Profit Ratio: Profit or loss before financial and extraordinary items measured in per cent of Turnover and Other operating income.
Proprietary Ratio: Capital and reserves measured in per cent of Total liabilities.
Number of Employees: Persons on the payroll in full-time equivalent units.
Number of Persons Employed: For corporations equal to number of employees. For sole traders etc. are added an estimated number of owners.
Enterprise: Usually corresponding to the legal unit, e.g. limited-liability corporations, sole traders, partnerships, etc. In a few cases several legal units which are run as one entity are gathered into one enterprise.
Establishment: An enterprise or part of an enterprise, that is situated in a single location and produces one -- or mainly one -- sort of goods and services.
Statistical unit
Usually corresponding to the legal unit, e.g. limited-liability corporations, sole traders, partnerships, etc. In a few cases several legal units which are run as one entity are gathered into one enterprise.
An establishment or part of an enterprise, that is situated in a single location and produces one -- or mainly one -- sort of goods and services.
Statistical population
Enterprise and establishment in the private secondary and tertiary industries.
Reference area
Time coverage
Year 2023.
Base period
Not relevant for this statistic.
Unit of measure
The unit of measure is number, millions kr., thousand millions and percent depending on variable where it is published.
Reference period
The reference period is a calendar year 2022. Enterprises with deferred financial years are included with their financial figures in the reference year in which the accounts are closed, unless it is closed before 1 May, in which case it is included in the statistics for the previous year.
Frequency of dissemination
Annual statistics, both at enterprise level and at establishment level (regional data).
Legal acts and other agreements
The Act on Statistics Denmark (Act no. 599 of 22 June 2000), § 8 and 12.
The statistics fall under Council Regulation (EF) no. 2019/2152 of 27. November 2019 on European Business Statistics. that requires the EU countries to submit to Eurostat information regarding business revenues, expenditures, value added, employment, wages and salaries, investment, etc.
Cost and burden
In 2021 the response burden imposed on business enterprises in reporting data for the accounts statistics was estimated at 3.7 mio. DKK.
For more information (in Danish) regarding the questionnaire, accounting concepts, etc., see the information page.