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Statistical processing

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Business Dynamics
Jeppe Strandgaard Herring
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Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector

Information is obtained annually from a sample of enterprises using online reporting. The online questionnaire follows the Danish Financial Statements Act as much as possible, and the information obtained undergoes a systematic troubleshooting in Statistics Denmark. Data is supplemented with data from several other sources. Based on the collected and other data, values ​​for all variables are calculated for the full population.

Source data

  • Questionnaires
  • Danish Business Authority
  • The Central Customs and Tax Administration (SKAT)
  • The business register
  • The Danish Medicines Agency (pharmacy accounts)

The questionnaires are obtained via online reporting of a questionnaire that complies as far as possible with the Danish Financial Statements Act. Most enterprises have a fiscal year following the calendar year. Some enterprises have skewed accounting periods, so that accounts closed throughout the period May 1 of the reference year (t) through April 30 of the following year (year t + 1).

From SKAT, accounting information is obtained from tax accounts that are not as detailed as the schedule information, but contain a number of main items from the accounts. From the Business Register in Statistics Denmark, basic information about the enterprises is obtained, such as industry, form of business, VAT turnover and employment. The Danish Medicines Agency provides full accounts for all pharmacies in Denmark. This accounting information differs in certain items from the breakdown on the Statistics Denmark questionnaire, but is adjusted to this discretion. The Danish Business Authority receives official financial statements in XBRL format, which are used for both the preliminary and final figures, as well as for troubleshooting the other sources.

Frequency of data collection

Data are collected annually.

Data collection

Information is obtained directly from a sample of enterprises using online reporting to Statistics Denmark (or information is extracted from specified accounts that the companies submit). The questionnaire follows the Danish Financial Statements Act as much as possible.

Online form and instructions can be found on the information page (in Danish).

Data validation

The scope and methods of data validation depend on the source: A) Information from Statistics Denmark is obtained directly from the enterprises by means of online reporting from the enterprises included in the sample. The questionnaire follows as closely as possible the Danish Financial Statements Act, and the information obtained undergoes a systematic troubleshooting in Statistics Denmark. In the process of troubleshooting the information, an automatic debugging system has been set up to report errors if the internal consistency that must be in an accounting is not met. In addition, the debugging system notifies you if there is any information that seems unlikely when compared with any. previously submitted information or information from other enterprises in the same stratum (ownership type / industry / size group). This error or unlikely information is checked and corrected, possibly. by contacting the enterprise. For these enterprises, the accounting information must be considered very reliable, and this group accounted for 79 per cent in 2022 of total revenue and 65 per cent. of the total liabilities (including the enterprises in B below).

B) All Danish pharmacies submit accounting information to the Danish Medicines Agency, which sends Statistics Denmark copies thereof. This data is debugged very little.

C) The accounting information provided by SKAT is not as detailed as on the questionnaires. Initially, the accounting items from SKAT are considered reliable as they are used in connection with the tax assessment. The data is debugged overall, for example compared to other sources and previous years, accounts that are considered unlikely are omitted from the statistics. The enterprises covered in the statistics by the information from SKAT in 2022 accounted for 10 per cent. of total revenue and 2 per cent. of total liabilities.

D) The accounting information provided by the Danish Business Agency in XBRL format is also not as detailed as on the questionnaires. In principle, the accounting records of the Danish Business Authority are considered reliable, as they are used in connection with reporting annual accounts to the Danish Business Agency. The data is debugged overall, for example compared to other sources and previous years, accounts that are considered unlikely are omitted from the statistics. In 2022, the enterprises covered by the statistics from the Danish Business Authority accounted for 2 per cent. of total revenue and 29 per cent. of total liabilities.

In connection with the publication of the preliminary figures, a limited data validation is carried out, focusing in particular on the largest and most significant entities. This publication is therefore based on the incoming material for those in the sample, which we have managed to troubleshoot approx. 14 days before the publication of the preliminary accounting statistics. As well as the accounting material received from SKAT and the electronic accounts submitted by enterprises to the Danish Business Authority in XBRL format.

Data compilation

The purpose of the processing is to generate accounting figures corresponding to the degree of detail of the questionnaire for each enterprise. The processing takes place in stages:

On the basis of the questionnaire-level information reported from the sampled enterprises, for each stratum, the distribution figures are used, which are used to calculate accounting records for the enterprises using accounting information from the Danish Business Authority. For the enterprises that use accounting information from the Danish Commerce Agency, the individual financial statements are frozen for each enterprise and the accounting items that are included in the questionnaire are calculated based on stratified distribution figures based on the enterprises that have reported on the questionnaire. On this basis, each stratum is then calculated for each stratum. man-years for each accounting item on the questionnaire.

On the basis of the questionnaire-level information reported from the sampled enterprises, for each stratum, the distribution figures are used, which are used to calculate accounting records for the enterprises where information from SKAT is used. For those enterprises that only use information from SKAT, the individual economic headings are frozen for each enterprise and the accounting items that are included in the questionnaire are calculated based on stratified distribution figures based on the enterprises that have reported on the questionnaire. On this basis, each stratum is then calculated for each stratum. man-years for each accounting item on the questionnaire. The calculations are corrected, among other things. for the owners' work efforts in the personally owned enterprises. The result of the above calculations of accounting figures is used to calculate the accounting figures for the residual group of enterprises to be included in the statistics, but where only industry, ownership form, man-years, VAT turnover and payroll tax are known. However, if an enterprise's employees constitute no more than one full-time equivalent, from the year 2000 onwards another method is used, since full-time equivalents in the above calculations are replaced by revenue. Revenue for residual group enterprises with a maximum of one full-time equivalent is calculated on the basis of these enterprises' VAT sales.

Accounting figures are also distributed to each workplace that has had activity within the statistics branch of the statistics. Since both a branch and an address are linked to a workplace, it is then possible to collect accounting figures in both sectors and geographical areas. The method used depends on whether these are "combined enterprises" (ie enterprises with workplaces in different industries) or "uncombined enterprises" (ie enterprises where all workplaces have the same industry). The distribution of accounting figures at the workplace level is based on calculated norm figures in the form of accounting figures per year. full-time equivalents for each industry / ownership group. One group consists of one DB07 industry combined with one form of ownership, distinguishing between two forms of ownership, namely stock, limited liability enterprises and cooperatives, as well as other forms of ownership. The standard figures for a group are generated using accounting figures and annual figures for all the "uncombined +enterprises" that have the particular ownership form and whose activity is in the particular DB07 industry.

The subsequent calculation at the workplace level depends on the initial situation. Below are some examples: "Uncombined enterprise" has one place of work: the enterprise figures are used immediately. Multiple workplaces: the enterprise's figures are distributed at its workplaces in relation to the workplaces of the workplaces. "Combined enterprise": If all the workplaces' industry is within the industry boundary of the statistics: each workstation is first assigned standard figures on the basis of industry and man-years. The standard figures are then adjusted as a percentage to sum up to the firm's total number, or to the industry level in cases where the enterprise has provided figures at this level. If at least one place of work has an industry outside of the above industries: places of employment within the above industries are assigned standard numbers. Norms are only adjusted if they together exceed the total number of the enterprise or if they do not add up to the industry level in cases where the enterprise has given figures at this level.

It should be emphasized that the calculated figures at the workplace level must be taken with some reservation. For combined enterprises, the method assumes that the individual workplaces have, as a starting point, accounting figures per year. man-years equivalent to the average for all uncombined enterprises in the same ownership and industry. Only if all workplaces in a combined enterprise have an industry within the professions for which there are standard numbers can it be possible to re-adjust, so that the finally assigned figures at the workplace level add up to the total number of the enterprise.


Not relevant for this statistic.